
Lebanon Alley Center for the Blind

Provides services free of charge to residents in Lebanon County who are blind or vision impaired. Services include: * Orientation and Mobility Instruction * Recreational activities and support groups * Rehabilitation training * Vocational and employment opportunities for those who are blind and vision impaired throughout Lebanon County Also offers a Low-vision store and receive help in choosing aids and appliances to assist them with

Physical Address

2550 Handford Drive, Lebanon, PA 17046


Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm

Application process

Call for appointment


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Qualified individuals with vision loss that cannot be corrected through standard eyeglasses, contact lenses, or surgery.

Service area

Lebanon, PA

Agency info


Provide social, vocational, rehabilitative and educational services for people who are blind or whose vision is impaired; To educate the communities about blindness and its prevention; To advocate for the interests of people who are blind or whose vision is impaired and to do so through responsible stewardship of the human and financial resources available.