
Bureau of Lead Safety and Community Development

Administers major federal grant programs and supports the Department of Community Planning and Economic Development in building strong neighborhoods and elevating quality of life for residents in the City of Lancaster. Promotes equitable and sustainable community development with delivering programs that facilitate safe and affordable housing options, improve environmental conditions, create economic opportunity and stability, reduce homelessness, and increase access to services.

Physical Address

120 North Duke Street, Lancaster, PA 17602


Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm

Application process

Call or visit website for an application. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.


Fees vary by program. Application is free of charge.


Must meet Federal Poverty Guidelines at 80% or less of the local median household income

Service area

Lancaster, PA

Agency info

City of Lancaster - Department of Community Planning and Economic Development

Manages a range of programs that aim to support business and job creation, facilitate safe and affordable housing options, improve the quality of the environment, and protect and enhance the health and wellness of community members. Administers several federal grants including CDBG, ESG and HOME.