Families in Transition
Identify homeless students within the School District of Lancaster and to ensure that identified students are enrolled in school, their educational needs are assured, and disruptions in their attendance and academic program are minimized. A Task Force, comprised of representatives of numerous social service agencies advises the project. Efforts to assist homeless students have included: - Policy changes permitting the admission of homeless students whose immunizations have been started, but not completed, or whose school records are incomplete. - A small fund to purchase bus passes for a temporary period to facilitate the attendance of "sheltered" students. HSP workers also use the fund to purchase school uniforms and supplies for students for whom lack of these items is a barrier to their enrollment and attendance - Referrals to after-school tutor and mentor programs - Ongoing inservice program for teachers and service staff to increase their awareness of homelessness issues and their k
Related Services
Physical Address
251 South Prince Street, Lancaster, PA 17603
Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Application process
Telephone to schedule appointment
Homeless students in the School District of Lancaster
Service area
Lancaster, PA
Agency info
School District of Lancaster
Serves the educational needs of children from Kindergarten through Grade 12 as required by state and federal law and as mandated by School District of Lancaster Board of Directors.