
Central Dauphin School District NutriPacks Program

Offers a direct food distribution program providing weekend food to students every week for 32 weeks of the school year. Food packs vary weekly and may include eggs, milk, bread, pasta, eggs, tuna, peanut butter, rice, and fresh fruit or vegetables.

Related Services

Physical Address

4600 Locust Lane, Harrisburg, PA 17109


Service Hours: Pick up hours vary depending on the school location Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm

Application process

Visit the enrollment menu of the website to register, and choose one of the given school locations as your pick up location.


Services free of charge


Students in the Central Dauphin School District

Service area

Dauphin, PA

Agency info

Central Dauphin NutriPacks Program

Provides a weekly food distribution program with food to last the weekends for food insecure students in the Central Dauphin School District.