
Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services

Services include: - Independent Living Services - Specialized Services - Vocational rehabilitation including counseling, guidance, pre-vocational training, job placement, and specialized blindness skills training - Orientation and mobility instruction (white cane usage) - Rehabilitation Teaching - Business Enterprise program that trains persons who are blind to work in food service - Transportation can be purchased by the agency for consumers when needed in conjunction with another service - Public education programs

Physical Address

555 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101


Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm


(717) 787-1733

Application process

Telephone: Appointment preferred


Varies, depends on program and formula


Anyone with a visual impairment

Service area

Adams, PA Cumberland, PA Dauphin, PA Franklin, PA Lancaster, PA Lebanon, PA Perry, PA York, PA

Agency info

Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry

Administers benefits to unemployed individuals, oversees the administration of workers' compensation benefits to individuals with job related injuries, and provides vocational rehabilitation to individuals with disabilities. The Department prepares job seekers for the global workforce through employment and job training services for adult, youth, older workers, and dislocated workers. In addition, L&I enforces various laws and safety standards in the workplace and administers the Commonwealth's programs for community service by young Pennsylvanians.