Utility Protections for Survivors of Domestic Violence
Offers utility customers with PFAs certain rights.
Related Services
Physical Address
400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120
Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
Application process
Call. When calling the Termination Hotline, customers with PFAs should ignore the message at the beginning of the call that directs them to contact their utility company before pursuing assistance from the PUC. This directive does not apply to utility customers with PFAs. Once the customer is connected to a PUC hotline worker, she should report that she has a PFA. The PUC should automatically accept the case, assign an investigator to work out a resolution, and immediately put a hold on the pending termination. Utility service for a customer with a PFA cannot be terminated while the PUC investigates the case.
Services free of charge
Utility customers with PFAs
Service area
Agency info
Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
Investigates and attempts to resolve consumer complaints against regulated utility companies; monitors companies for compliance with regulations; educates public on consumer rights and responsibilities; and provides background information on the rate-making process. The PUC regulates these types of companies: electric, taxicabs, natural gas distribution, trucks and household movers, telephone, buses, sewage, water, trains and railroad crossings, and steam heat. The PUC doesn't regulate all PA utility companies. Some non-regulated utilities include: rural electric cooperatives, cable television, municipal authorities, fuel oil, and bottled gas. For educational materials and speakers, call 1-800-782-8685.