
Youth & Family Services

Behavioral Health Rehabilitation Services or "Wraparound" These services are provided by mobile therapists, behavioral specialists, and therapeutic staff support (TSS) workers working together as a treatment team in Pennsylvania. Services are provided in the home, school and community setting either individually or in any combination depending on the need. The treatment team collaborates with other systems and services being provided to the family. Services must be recommended by a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist and must be preauthorized by the applicable medical assistance payer. Referrals can be made directly to NET by calling (215) 408-4944. Family Focused Behavioral Health Services: This Pennsylvania based program is designed to serve as an alternative to traditional "wraparound." A team comprised of a lead clinician, a case manager, and a crisis worker provides intensive support to all members of the family in the home, school, or community setting. Intensive coordination between the

Physical Address

493 North 5th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123

Application process

For additional information, please call 215-451-7000 or visit our website at http://www.net-centers.orgContact information:Behavioral Health Rehabilitation Services or "Wraparound" (215) 408-4944, (800) 860-0703Family Focused Behavioral Health Service


Please call individual centers for further details.

Service area

Philadelphia, PA

Agency info

Northeast Treatment Centers

To provide comprehensive behavioral health care services and social services to adults, adolescents, children and families, utilizing an integrated continuum of care service systems that is quality driven, cost effective and recovery oriented.