Allegheny County Child Abuse Hotline
Accepts reports (calls) 24 hours a day from any person, in accordance with Pennsylvania's Child Protective Services Law. The DHS Office of Children Youth and Families Intake Department also takes calls about suspected abuse and neglect. You may remain anonymous. CYF call screeners do not log telephone numbers. The call screener gathers the information and consults with their supervisor about whether to investigate. A supervisor looks at any available DHS and CYF data related to the child and family, assesses risk and safety and either screens out or chooses to investigate. If the child is unsafe, a caseworker is dispatched within two hours.
Related Services
Physical Address
10700 Frankstown Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15235
24-hour service
Application process
Call the Hotline.
Service provided free of charge.
Anyone can contact the CYF Allegheny County Child Abuse Hotline (Call Screening/Intake Department) to discuss concerns about a child or family. Please note that CYF does not log telephone numbers from anonymous callers and will accept calls from call-blocked telephone numbers (as when people dial *67, etc.)
Service area
Allegheny, PA
Agency info
Allegheny County Office of Children, Youth, and Families
Protects children, 18 years of age and younger, from abuse and neglect and works with families to provide a safe and loving permanent home for children. When a family is accepted for services, CYF coordinates efforts with the family and its natural supports, as well as other DHS program offices, to offer a wide range of options for families.