
Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society

Preserves and interprets the culture and context of Anabaptist-related faith communities in Lancaster County. Gathering place where people can explore stories, ideas and legacy. Facilities and services include: - Library and archives - Bookstore and museum shop - Publications about Mennonite, Amish and Pennsylvania cultures - Auctions of rare out-of-print books - Genealogical research - Museum exhibit on Mennonite and Amish folk art - DNA Interpretation - Public events such as educational, musical, storytelling and artistic programs - Field trips - Folk art classes

Physical Address

2215 Millstream Road, Lancaster, PA 17602


Tuesday through Saturday, 8:30am to 4:30pm

Application process

Telephone, walk-in, correspondence, email


Call for details


No limitations

Service area

Lancaster, PA

Agency info

Mennonite Life

Preserves and interprets the culture and context of Anabaptist-related faith communities connected to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.