
Faith In Action

Provides volunteer companionship and assistance to help older adults remain living in their homes and communities. Assistance may include transport to medical appointments and procedures, grocery shopping, pets to vet, telephone reassurance, minor home repairs, check writing/forms/balance accounts, supportive visitation, and transport for hair/barber appointments.

Physical Address

79 West Fayette Street, Uniontown, PA 15401


Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 2:00pm

Application process

Call to register. Services are dependent upon availability of volunteers.


Services provided free of charge, but donations are welcome.


Residents of Fayette County age 55 and older. Additional eligibility criteria apply; call for details. There are no income guidelines.

Service area

Uniontown, PA

Agency info

Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers of Fayette

Provides supportive services and outreach to older adults through an interfaith network of trained volunteers.