
Finanta York

Focuses on the reduction of the concentration of poverty in small cities, by increasing affordable housing, improving access to community services, enabling individuals to earn a livelihood via entrepreneurship and other avenues and supporting individual and community wealth building. Provides affordable business loans, technical assistance and training to entrepreneurs, affordable housing developers and non-profit organizations who are working to make a difference in our communities. A member of the York County Economic Alliance and a partner of Downtown Inc. and other similar organizations throughout the service area.

Related Services

Physical Address

7 East Market Street, York, PA 17401


Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm

Application process

Telephone, walk in


None for technical support


Used for business purposes only

Service area

Adams, PA York, PA

Agency info


A private, independent non-profit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) whose mission is to provide capital in places where it is not usually available. They seek to create positive change in a community by providing entrepreneurs with access to business development loans for projects that generate jobs, create affordable housing and help to revitalize communities.