
Homeless Drop-In Center

Offers a drop-in center with the following services and amenities available: showers, laundry machines, public access computers, food, information and referral to community resources, and various support groups.

Physical Address

152 Monroe Ave, Penndel, PA 19047


Monday through Friday, 7:00am to 7:00pm

Application process

Visit in person. Call for more information.


Services free of charge


No limitations or restrictions

Service area

Bucks, PA

Agency info

Reach Out Foundation of Bucks County

Provides a safe and supporting environment for individuals with a mental illness and/or addiction disorder and to assist them in recognizing their strengths and the power to recover. Through peer support/modeling we support consumers in navigating the mental health treatment system, connect them to resources and community supports and help them learn how to advocate for their own needs in order to live better lives and participate in community life