Project Linus
Provides a 100% volunteer non-profit organization with a two-fold mission of offering comfort to children in need through gifts of new, handmade blankets and of giving 'blanketeer' volunteers a rewarding way to use their skills to help children.
Physical Address
Call for information
Application process
Distributes blankets through local hospitals and social service agencies or by calling Project Linus directly
Services free of charge
Seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need, children in Lancaster County. To volunteer, individuals must know how to knit, crochet, sew, or have the desire to learn.
Service area
Lancaster, PA
Agency info
Project Linus - Lititz/Lancaster Chapter
Comprised of hundreds of local chapters and thousands of volunteers across the United States. Each volunteer and local chapter work together to help achieve the goal of comforting children in need.