Caregiver Support Program
Offers financial reimbursement for Caregiver Respite and necessary supplies/services. Also provides home modifications/assistive devices, Caregiver Support Group, and support for older adults caring for children or an adult with a non-dementia disability. Specific assistance and the level of support offered is based on the needs of the caregiver and the older adult as determined by a formal assessment.
Physical Address
200 South Main Street, Greensburg, PA 15601
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm Assessments are by appointment only. Days and times for services offered through the program vary.
Application process
Call to schedule an initial assessment.
The assessment is provided free of charge. In addition to the basic services offered at no cost to families, financial assistance is available on a cost-sharing basis to help families with out-of-pocket care-giving expenses. Amounts are determined by actual expenses and household income. Established income guidelines are above poverty level to enable more middle-income families to participate. Some services offered after the initial assessment may be free of charge, and some may be fee-based. Details are discussed following the needs and eligibility assessment.
Eligibility for Pennsylvania Caregiver Support Program is based on client's income and functional needs. Call for information.
Service area
Westmoreland, PA
Agency info
Westmoreland County Area Agency on Aging
Provides services for older adults (ages 60 and older, unless otherwise noted) to promote their well-being.