
Lancaster County Office of Aging

Offers a wide range of support services to older Lancaster County residents with the goal of allowing them to maintain their independence and self-sufficiency. Most services available to persons ages 60 and over, except for the 55+ Job Bank, Job Bank Workshop and Senior Community Services Employment Program which begins at age 55 and older. Domiciliary Care, Long Term Care Assessments, Ombudsman and Caregiver Support Program available for persons 18 years and older.

Physical Address

150 North Queen Street, Lancaster, PA 17603


Office: Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm; Program hours vary; Protective services: 24-hours/day

Application process

Telephone, walk-in, email, website


Varies with program


Varies with program

Service area

Lancaster, PA

Agency info

Lancaster County Office of Aging

Offers a wide range of support services to older Lancaster County residents with the goal of allowing them to maintain their independence and self-sufficiency.