EEOC General Information and Complaint Filing Procedure
Provides a secure web-based application developed for individuals to interact with the EEOC regarding a complaint of employment discrimination. Using the EEOC Public Portal, you may file a complaint against an employer in the Private Sector (i.e. Business or non-profit) or a State or Local Government Agency.
Physical Address
1000 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
The website is available 24/7. Office hours vary. Please visit the District or Regional Office's webpage to see hours for phone and walk-in intake.
Application process
Visit website or call for more information
Services provided free of charge
For individuals who feel they have been discriminated against in their place of employment
Service area
Agency info
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Responsible for processing charges of discrimination against private, state and local government employers in most of Pennsylvania, Delaware and parts of New Jersey, and for conducting hearings regarding complaints against federal government employers in this geographic area.