
Human Trafficking Victim Services

Provides victim support services, witness support for non-victims, victim advocacy, case management, crime victims’ rights and benefits, and criminal justice assistance. Also offers crisis intervention, cultural community/support, housing (emergency, transitional, permanent), medical care (emergency and long-term), mental health care (emergency and long-term), and court advocacy and accompaniment though out justice system proceedings. Support to victims is never contingent on cooperation with law enforcement, while encouraged not required.

Physical Address

125 West Eighteeth Street, Erie, PA 16501



Application process

Call to reach the crisis hotline operating 24/7.


All services are free and confidential


Victims of this crime may be men, women, transgender persons, adults, minors, U.S. citizens, legal permanent residents, or foreign nationals. Any person under the age of 18 who engages in commercial sex acts, regardless of the use of force, fraud, or coercion, is a victim of human trafficking, even if they appear to consent to the commercial sex act.

Service area

Erie, PA

Agency info

Crime Victim Center of Erie County

Serves all victims of crime, their families, acquaintances, and significant others, and witnesses to all types of crimes regardless of when the crime occurred or if reported or not. Provides hospital and court accompaniment as well as counseling and advocacy services.