Housing Counseling
Services are available to assist with house repairs, relocation, eviction, landlord/tenant issues, applications and more. Also, available to help people of any age apply for Homeowners Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program. Program assists people in securing low interest and safe loans to help with back mortgage.
Physical Address
509 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147
Application process
Call Housing Counseling Office at 215-546-5879. The counselor will set up appointment and assist with intake.
No fee required.
Service area
Philadelphia, PA
Agency info
Philadelphia Senior Centers
The mission of the Philadelphia Senior Center (PSC) is to assist people in meeting their basic needs and enhancing their quality of life. PSC assists older adults in optimizing their functional ability and provides them with opportunities for active involvement, helping to prevent isolation and dependence. PSC also seeks to improve conditions for those older adults who are impoverished. PSC provides leadership in advocating on issues affecting the lives of older adults, with special focus on representing their diverse needs and interests. Philadelphia Senior Center is accredited by the National Institute of Senior Centers