Monroe County Area Agency on Aging - Senior Centers
Offer a wide variety of programs and services, including:
- Meal and nutrition programs
- Information and assistance
- Health, fitness, and wellness programs
- Transportation services
- Public benefits counseling
- Employment assistance
- Volunteer and civic engagement opportunities
- Social and recreational activities
- Educational and arts programs
- Intergenerational programs
Related Services
Physical Address
62 Analomink Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
<ul><li>Friendly Community Center: MWF, 8am-1pm</li><li>Chestnuthill Senior Center: Wed. & Fri., 9am-2pm</li><li>Loder Senior Center: M-F, 9am-2pm</li><li>Mountain Senior Center: Tues., Thurs., & Fri., 9am-2pm</li><li>Jewish Resource Center, Thurs., 10am-3pm</li></ul>
Application process
Visit any senior center or call/email MCAAA for more information
For meals, suggested donation of $1.50
Residents of Monroe County ages 60 and older
Service area
Monroe, PA
Agency info
Monroe County Area Agency on Aging
Strives to improve the quality of life of Monroe County's older citizens through the coordination of exiting services and development of essential programs.