

Offers free, one-on-one help to enroll Philadelphia residents in public benefit programs that assist with prescription drugs, health insurance, food, property taxes, heat and other utilities, paying for college, and disability benefits. Assists with applications and follow up on application status.

Physical Address

222 North 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103


Monday through Friday, 9:30am to 5:30pm

Application process

Call to schedule an appointment


Services provided free of charge


Residents of Philadelphia

Service area

Philadelphia, PA

Agency info

Catholic Social Services - Southeast Pennsylvania

Administers programs dedicated to serving men, women, and children in need, including residential treatment programs for at-risk children, family preservation services, foster care, adoption, immigration services, counseling, senior citizen centers, programming for the elderly, transitional housing, homeless services, and care for medically fragile men and women. Additionally provides residential and community-based education programs to court-adjudicated youth, and sponsor residential and community-based care for persons who are developmentally delayed.