Economic Self-Sufficiency
Provides low-income residents of Bucks County with the education, resources and skills necessary to thrive independent of government assistance. Conducts comprehensive assessment. Pairs clients with a Self Sufficiency Coach who helps to design an individual education and employment plan and meets with client weekly for up to five years.
Physical Address
252 Swamp Rd , Doylestown, PA 18901
Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Application process
Apply on the website. Call or email for more information.
Services free of charge
A) Residents of Bucks County B) Annual household income at or below 200% of the C) Federal Poverty Income Guideline Work full-time or attend a full-time education program
Service area
Bucks, PA
Agency info
Bucks County Opportunity Council
Provides emergency assistance to Bucks County residents to prevent loss of housing, utility shut-off and lack of transportation. Additionally offers financial literacy and asset development, free income tax filing, food assistance, job search and employment skills, home-energy conservation and weatherization, and the Economic Self-Sufficiency Program.