
Service Access and Management

Provides case management, day programming, site based psych rehab (group rehab), emergent funds (depends on need), crisis intervention, delegate services, outpatient funding for counseling and psychiatry if an individual has no insurance, and a housing program. For MR or IDD consumers we offer emergent funds, supports coordination, day programming, group home placing/assistance, crisis intervention and delegate services. - Provides early intervention for children from the age of 0 months to 2 years and 9 months of age. This service is provided for any child that may be displaying a delay physically, verbally, speech development, etc.

Physical Address

100 East Market Street, Lewistown, PA 17044


Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm

Application process

Referral via phone, fax, or walk-in - It is recommended a client calls prior to best determine needs and services.. Anyone can make a referral (friend, family, doctor, self, other agency). Proof of diagnosis or delay is needed to obtain services.




Any adults or children with mental health concerns, intellectual or developmental delays

Service area

Huntingdon, PA Juniata, PA Mifflin, PA

Agency info

Service Access and Management - Headquarters

Coordinates mental health, intellectual developmental disability, and crisis services for Berks County residents