Home Repair Program
Offer 0% interest loans to low and moderate-income homeowners who reside in Lancaster County outside the Lancaster city limits. Loans are for code and safety issues only. A lien is placed on the homeowner's property and no monthly payments are required. Loans are not due until the home is sold, or the deed is transferred. (i.e. plumbing, electrical, replace/repair all types of heating systems, roof, structural/foundation issues)
Physical Address
28 Penn Square, Lancaster, PA 17603
Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Application process
Appointment required in office or in home
Based on annual gross income, according to family size; Available equity in home
Service area
Lancaster, PA
Agency info
Lancaster County Housing and Redevelopment Authorities
Administers the following county programs: - Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) provides grants to local municipalities and non-profit organizations to undertake public improvement projects, renovate community facilities and operate human service programs - Home Repair Program provides low-interest loans to low and moderate income homeowners with limited financial options so they can make repairs to their homes. Contact Loan Administrator for information - Rental Housing Program provides financial assistance to those interested in renovating existing structures, converting non-residential structures into rental units, or constructing new rental housing which would be made available to low and moderate income persons - Emergency Solutions Grant Program provides grants to be used for homeless prevention and rapid re-housing activities - Home Investment Partnerships Program - HOME monies will be made available to provide financial assistance to develop rental housing, homebuyers assistance