
Stockings for Soldiers

Provides holiday packages to all branches of the military serving in Kuwait, Iraq, Korea, and other areas. Items collected include: Christmas stockings (18" to 24" in size); Christmas hats; ground/instant coffee, Kcups, hot tea; power bars, cereal bars, trail mix, granola bars, healthy snacks; Slim Jims, beef or turkey jerky; sunflower seeds; nuts in small packages; individual snacks: crackers, cookies, cheese/cracker kits; small sewing or manicure kits; sunscreen, chap stick with sunscreen, Blistex; Asprin, Tylenol, cold meds in small packages; vitamins and protein powder; 5-hour energy and similar products; mens and ladies calf-high socks or boot socks in black and white; hand and foot warmers; thermal gloves; and glove liners.

Related Services

Physical Address

331 Main Street, Shoemakersville, PA 19555


Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday, 9:00am to 1:00pm

Application process

Call or visit website for details. Drop off donation by December 1, 2023.


Services free of charge


To Donate: No limitations or restrictions To Receive: Active Duty deployed

Service area

Berks, PA

Agency info

Keystone Military Families

Provides support for deployed military members in all branches no matter where they are stationed in the world.