Federal Student Loan Debt Relief
Eligible borrowers can get a full or partial discharge of loans up to $20,000.
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Physical Address
333 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17126
The following types of federal student loans disbursed (when you received your loan funds) on or before June 30, 2022, are eligible for relief: William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program loans Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program loans held by ED or in default at a guaranty agency Federal Perkins Loan Program loans held by ED Defaulted loans (includes ED-held or commercially serviced Subsidized Stafford, Unsubsidized Stafford, parent PLUS, graduate PLUS; and Perkins loans held by ED)
Service area
Agency info
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Develop and administer educational policies to improve the quality of education in PA. Conduct programs to assess the achievement of basic and higher education goals established by the General Assembly, the Governor and the State Board of Education. Provide advice and recommendations about education to the General Assembly and approved by the Governor as well as the federal government. Administer the education laws enacted by the General Assembly and approved by the Governor as well as the federal government. Administer the regulations of the State Board of education and the federal government, as well as standards established by the Secretary of Education. Cooperate in the development of master plans for basic and higher education and administer those plans. Manage a system of pre service education and in-service professional development to ensure high quality personnel in pre-school, elementary, and secondary education. Plan and administer, in cooperation with the State Board for Vocational educa