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Victim Services in Franklin County helps to make the entire Juvenile Justice process more understandable and less stressful for the victims and witnesses of juvenile crime. To this end, the Victims' Services Coordinator is the advocate and guide for victims and witnesses as their case makes its way through the Juvenile Justice System. Services Include: Accompaniment to Court, Orientation to the Juvenile Justice System, Court Preparation, Advocacy, Notification of all phases of the case, Assistance with completing Victim's Assistance Compensation Program (VCAP) Forms, Assistance with preparing a Victim Impact Statement

Related Services

General Crime Victim Assistance
Crime Witness Support
Provides opportunities and experiences which can have a positive influence on the offender. Individualized treatment using supervision, community resources and programs that will direct the offender toward a successful reintegration into the community and to aid the court in sentencing and treatment programs for the offender.
Provides supervision and services aimed at rehabilitating offenders. Also offers protection, remuneration, and education of the community.

Related Services

Community Service Work Programs
Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention
DUI Offender Programs
Provides the following services: Pre-release, Presentence Investigation, DAPP, EM/HA, SCRAM, SCRAMX and payment division. Also includes: Sexual Offenders, Mental health offenders, DRC, DUI, Probation with Restrictive Conditions, and Work Release.

Related Services

County Government Departments/Offices
All court supervision services; DUI, Shoplifters group, juvenile probation, urine analysis, community services, victim services.

Related Services

Crime Victim Support
Community Service Work Programs
Provides various supervision and probationary programs to those directed by the court.
Serving pre-trial, probation, parole and intermediate punishment clients in Beaver County.
Collects and disburses court ordered fines, costs, and restitution for adult and juvenile cases.
Protects the community from further crimes, ensures accountability for offenses committed, and provides offenders with the necessary resources to function as productive, responsible citizens. Offers parole planning and investigation, collects court-ordered monies, and manages the supervision, surveillance, and enforcement of Court-ordered conditions for offenders.
Provides general information regarding the following: Marriage Licenses, Recording of Deeds, Register of Wills, Voter Registration and Elections, Waste, Tax Assessments, Dog License, Passports, Prothonotary, Clerk of Courts, Probation, Court, District Attorney.

Related Services

Court Records
Animal Licenses
Hunting Licenses
Property Tax Information
Land Deeds/Titles
Fishing Licenses
Marriage Licenses
Provides Victim/community awareness, victim mediation, community service, and supervision.
Carries out court orders to supervise adjudicated juveniles age 10 to 18 years in a community setting under the principles of balanced and restorative justice.
Providing supervision and services aimed at rehabilitating the re-entrant, recommendations and cooperation to the court, and protection and education of the community.
Protects the community from further crimes, ensures accountability for offenses committed, and provides offenders with the necessary resources to function as productive, responsible citizens. Offers pre-sentence investigations to court; Counseling, case management, casework, referrals; Client supervision and control; Community service placements; Intensive probation; Public information presentations; After-hours emergency calls; Drug testing/monitoring; In-home services are available; and Intermediate punishment option.
Supervises all adult offenders ordered by the Court of Common Pleas with probation and/or parole.

Related Services

Veterans Courts
Mental Health Courts
Drug Courts
DUI Offender Programs
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Adult Diversion
Administers supervision and provides offenders with the tools to make positive change and become productive members of society.

Related Services

Local Officials Offices
Provides services for juveniles and families that come before the Juvenile Court. Administers the juvenile delinquent probation plan for the county and serves as liaison to other juvenile justice agencies, schools, and communities.
Youth in this program receive 22 to 25 hours of community based activities per week as well as intensive supervision. Activities include sessions focusing on drug and alcohol issues, sexual health, career development, community resources, and skill development. Additionally, all youth participate in activities coordinated in conjunction with Philadelphia organizations and grassroots efforts. Youth workers monitor school attendance and curfew, and report adjustment and recommendations back to the court.

Related Services

Correctional Facilities
Supervising offenders on probation and parole.
Provides educational services in the Bucks County Correctional Facility, the Community Corrections Center, and the community for re-entrants. Provides basic literacy and GED prep. Cognitive behavioral skills instruction, decision making, and employment readiness.

Related Services

Inmate Support Services
Literacy Programs
Adult Basic Education
Monitors offenders serving court-ordered probation. For juvenile offenders, they work closely with law enforcement and Children and Youth Services.
Investigations for the court and probation and parole supervision. Collect restitution for victims of crime.

Related Services

County Government Departments/Offices
Individuals under parole supervision are to REPORT to either the Harrisburg District Office or the York or Lancaster Sub Office addresses listed at the below for the correct office map.
Provides supervision for those individuals who are placed on probation, parole or ARD. This office also supervises those offenders placed on house arrest, work release, furlough, bail supervision or those who are ordered to perform community service. The Probation Officer makes an appropriate referral for the offender to receive the proper treatment or counseling.
Supervises those convicted offenders who have been placed on probation by the Court. Probation is a sentencing alternative that allows the offender to remain in the community under the supervision of a Probation Officer subject to conditions deemed appropriate by the Court. Parole is a conditional release of an offender who has served part of their sentence in prison to serve the balance of the sentence under the supervision of a Parole Officer.