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Provides eligible veteran households with outreach, assessment, case management, advocacy and assistance in obtaining VA and other benefits, which may include housing counseling, legal support, credit repair, financial planning services, and time-limited, temporary financial assistance.
Provides eligible veteran households with outreach, assessment, case management, advocacy and assistance in obtaining VA and other benefits, which may include housing counseling, legal support, credit repair, financial planning services, and time-limited, temporary financial assistance.
Related Services
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Personal Financial Counseling
Homelessness Prevention Programs
General Benefits Assistance
Credit Counseling
Legal Counseling
General Clothing Provision
General Legal Aid
Job Finding Assistance
Provides legal assistance for individuals and families in need of help with labor law, employment discimination, public assistance, worker's compensation, unemployment benefits, pension and social security benefits, and tax disputes. Services include help with application and appeals, filings, and legal representation.
Provides legal assistance for individuals and families in need of help with labor law, employment discimination, public assistance, worker's compensation, unemployment benefits, pension and social security benefits, and tax disputes. Services include help with application and appeals, filings, and legal representation.
Related Services
Employment Discrimination Assistance
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance
General Benefits Assistance
Tax Appeals/Audit Assistance
Labor and Employment Law
Pension Benefits Assistance
Workers Compensation Benefits Assistance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Provides assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other government agencies.Provides outreach concerning its program services to the American people generally and to disabled veterans and their families, specifically. Providing a structure through which disabled veterans can express their compassion for their fellow veterans through a variety of volunteer programs.
Provides assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other government agencies.Provides outreach concerning its program services to the American people generally and to disabled veterans and their families, specifically. Providing a structure through which disabled veterans can express their compassion for their fellow veterans through a variety of volunteer programs.
Related Services
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Social Services for Military Personnel
Veteran Employment Programs
Military Transition Assistance Programs
Career Development
Veteran Membership Organizations
Provides a Veteran's outpatient clinic. Services include primary care, routine lab tests, patient education, social work services. No emergency services at this location.
Provides a Veteran's outpatient clinic. Services include primary care, routine lab tests, patient education, social work services. No emergency services at this location.
Related Services
Veteran Outpatient Clinics
Medical Social Work
Veteran Benefits Assistance
General Physical Examinations
General Laboratory Tests
Nutrition Education
The Armstrong County Veterans Affairs Office provides assistance in applying for county, state and federal veteran’s benefits. Veterans Services provides a wide range of benefits, resources and assistance.
County benefits include:
State benefits include:
County benefits include:
- Burial Allowance
- Burial Plots
- Headstones and Installation Allowances
- Flags and Emblem Markers
- Safeguard DD-214
State benefits include:
- Blind Veterans Pension
- Emergency Assistance
- Educational Gratuity
- Paralyzed Veterans Pension
- Real Property Tax Exemption
- State Veterans Home System
- Widow's Real Property Tax Exemption
The Armstrong County Veterans Affairs Office provides assistance in applying for county, state and federal veteran’s benefits. Veterans Services provides a wide range of benefits, resources and assistance.
County benefits include:
State benefits include:
County benefits include:
- Burial Allowance
- Burial Plots
- Headstones and Installation Allowances
- Flags and Emblem Markers
- Safeguard DD-214
State benefits include:
- Blind Veterans Pension
- Emergency Assistance
- Educational Gratuity
- Paralyzed Veterans Pension
- Real Property Tax Exemption
- State Veterans Home System
- Widow's Real Property Tax Exemption
Related Services
Military Transition Assistance Programs
Burial Benefits
Social Services for Military Personnel
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Employment Programs
Property Tax Information
Assists with applying for all Federal Benefits, State Benefits, and County Benefits. These include Compensation and Pension (Death Pension and Aid & Attendance), Property Tax Exemption, and Veterans Temporary Assistance.
Assists with applying for all Federal Benefits, State Benefits, and County Benefits. These include Compensation and Pension (Death Pension and Aid & Attendance), Property Tax Exemption, and Veterans Temporary Assistance.
Forest County Veterans Affairs assists veterans in the filing of claims such as service record changes, disability claims, etc. At the time of a veteransâ death, the DVA will assist the family in filing claims for the death benefits including burial expenses and appropriate grave markers.
Forest County Veterans Affairs assists veterans in the filing of claims such as service record changes, disability claims, etc. At the time of a veteransâ death, the DVA will assist the family in filing claims for the death benefits including burial expenses and appropriate grave markers.
Related Services
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Focusing on service to veterans, service members and communities. Programs for Family, Youth, Community and National Affairs. Help with VA claims, assistance in finding employment, support for current members of the military, and financial advice.
Focusing on service to veterans, service members and communities. Programs for Family, Youth, Community and National Affairs. Help with VA claims, assistance in finding employment, support for current members of the military, and financial advice.
Related Services
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Membership Organizations
Provides assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other government agencies.Provides outreach concerning its program services to the American people generally and to disabled veterans and their families, specifically. Providing a structure through which disabled veterans can express their compassion for their fellow veterans through a variety of volunteer programs.
Provides assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other government agencies.Provides outreach concerning its program services to the American people generally and to disabled veterans and their families, specifically. Providing a structure through which disabled veterans can express their compassion for their fellow veterans through a variety of volunteer programs.
Related Services
Veteran Membership Organizations
Social Services for Military Personnel
Military Transition Assistance Programs
Veteran Employment Programs
Veteran Benefits Assistance
The County Veterans Service Officer assists veterans and their dependents and survivors to obtain benefits from the federal, state and local agencies administering programs for veterans.
The County Veterans Service Officer assists veterans and their dependents and survivors to obtain benefits from the federal, state and local agencies administering programs for veterans.
Related Services
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Services of this office include burial assistance, records maintenance, providing grave markers, flags and holders for all County veterans graves and financial assistance to county cemeteries holding veterans. State benefits applied for through this office include tax exemption and educational assistance for 100% disabled veterans, emergency assistance, applications for the blind, paralyzed veterans and veterans homes. Federal Veterans Benefits applied for through this office include health care, service connected compensation, pension assistance for disabled unemployable veterans and counseling for surviving family members and returning veterans.
Services of this office include burial assistance, records maintenance, providing grave markers, flags and holders for all County veterans graves and financial assistance to county cemeteries holding veterans. State benefits applied for through this office include tax exemption and educational assistance for 100% disabled veterans, emergency assistance, applications for the blind, paralyzed veterans and veterans homes. Federal Veterans Benefits applied for through this office include health care, service connected compensation, pension assistance for disabled unemployable veterans and counseling for surviving family members and returning veterans.
Provides assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other government agencies.Provides outreach concerning its program services to the American people generally and to disabled veterans and their families, specifically. Providing a structure through which disabled veterans can express their compassion for their fellow veterans through a variety of volunteer programs.
Provides assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other government agencies.Provides outreach concerning its program services to the American people generally and to disabled veterans and their families, specifically. Providing a structure through which disabled veterans can express their compassion for their fellow veterans through a variety of volunteer programs.
Related Services
Veteran Employment Programs
Military Transition Assistance Programs
Social Services for Military Personnel
Career Development
Veteran Membership Organizations
Veteran Benefits Assistance
The Allegheny County Department of Veterans Services provides assistance in applying for county, state and federal veteran’s benefits. Veterans Services provides a wide range of benefits, resources and assistance.
County benefits include: - Burial Allowance - Burial Plots - Headstones and Installation Allowances - Flags and Emblem Markers - Safeguard DD-214 For more information visit Allegheny County Department of Veterans Services - County Benefits
State benefits include: - Blind Veterans Pension - Emergency Assistance - Educational Gratuity - Paralyzed Veterans Pension - Real Property Tax Exemption - State Veterans Home System - Widow's Real Property Tax Exemptio For more information visit Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
Federal benefits include: - Disability Compen
County benefits include: - Burial Allowance - Burial Plots - Headstones and Installation Allowances - Flags and Emblem Markers - Safeguard DD-214 For more information visit Allegheny County Department of Veterans Services - County Benefits
State benefits include: - Blind Veterans Pension - Emergency Assistance - Educational Gratuity - Paralyzed Veterans Pension - Real Property Tax Exemption - State Veterans Home System - Widow's Real Property Tax Exemptio For more information visit Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
Federal benefits include: - Disability Compen
The Allegheny County Department of Veterans Services provides assistance in applying for county, state and federal veteran’s benefits. Veterans Services provides a wide range of benefits, resources and assistance.
County benefits include: - Burial Allowance - Burial Plots - Headstones and Installation Allowances - Flags and Emblem Markers - Safeguard DD-214 For more information visit Allegheny County Department of Veterans Services - County Benefits
State benefits include: - Blind Veterans Pension - Emergency Assistance - Educational Gratuity - Paralyzed Veterans Pension - Real Property Tax Exemption - State Veterans Home System - Widow's Real Property Tax Exemptio For more information visit Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
Federal benefits include: - Disability Compen
County benefits include: - Burial Allowance - Burial Plots - Headstones and Installation Allowances - Flags and Emblem Markers - Safeguard DD-214 For more information visit Allegheny County Department of Veterans Services - County Benefits
State benefits include: - Blind Veterans Pension - Emergency Assistance - Educational Gratuity - Paralyzed Veterans Pension - Real Property Tax Exemption - State Veterans Home System - Widow's Real Property Tax Exemptio For more information visit Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
Federal benefits include: - Disability Compen
Related Services
Military Transition Assistance Programs
Property Tax Information
Social Services for Military Personnel
Burial Benefits
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Employment Programs
Offers civil legal services to low-income individuals and families without the means to hire a private attorney. Services include a legal advice helpline, direct representation, assistance in self-representation, brief service, limited legal assistance, and referrals to private attorneys. Also provides representation to survivors of domestic violence in Protection from Abuse (PFA) proceedings, legal assistance for veterans, several grants, a debt clinic, and community education.
Offers civil legal services to low-income individuals and families without the means to hire a private attorney. Services include a legal advice helpline, direct representation, assistance in self-representation, brief service, limited legal assistance, and referrals to private attorneys. Also provides representation to survivors of domestic violence in Protection from Abuse (PFA) proceedings, legal assistance for veterans, several grants, a debt clinic, and community education.
Related Services
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Comprehensive Family Law Services
Welfare Rights Assistance
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Real Estate Law
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
Legal Representation
Consumer Law
Legal Counseling
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
General Benefits Assistance
General Legal Aid
Tax Foreclosure Assistance
Crime Victim/Witness Related No Contact Orders
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Sexual Assault Protection/Restraining Orders
Divorce Assistance
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
Related Services
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Legal Counseling
Comprehensive Family Law Services
General Legal Aid
Self Representation Assistance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Elder Law
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
Related Services
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Legal Counseling
Comprehensive Family Law Services
General Legal Aid
Self Representation Assistance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Elder Law
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
Related Services
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Legal Counseling
Comprehensive Family Law Services
General Legal Aid
Self Representation Assistance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Elder Law
Assists in applying to the Department of Veterans Affairs for injuries and disease associated with military service.
Assists in applying to the Department of Veterans Affairs for injuries and disease associated with military service.
Provides assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other government agencies.Provides outreach concerning its program services to the American people generally and to disabled veterans and their families, specifically. Providing a structure through which disabled veterans can express their compassion for their fellow veterans through a variety of volunteer programs.
Provides assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other government agencies.Provides outreach concerning its program services to the American people generally and to disabled veterans and their families, specifically. Providing a structure through which disabled veterans can express their compassion for their fellow veterans through a variety of volunteer programs.
Related Services
Career Development
Veteran Membership Organizations
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Military Transition Assistance Programs
Veteran Employment Programs
Social Services for Military Personnel
Provides assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other government agencies.Provides outreach concerning its program services to the American people generally and to disabled veterans and their families, specifically. Providing a structure through which disabled veterans can express their compassion for their fellow veterans through a variety of volunteer programs.
Provides assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other government agencies.Provides outreach concerning its program services to the American people generally and to disabled veterans and their families, specifically. Providing a structure through which disabled veterans can express their compassion for their fellow veterans through a variety of volunteer programs.
Related Services
Veteran Membership Organizations
Veteran Employment Programs
Social Services for Military Personnel
Military Transition Assistance Programs
Career Development
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
Related Services
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Legal Counseling
Comprehensive Family Law Services
General Legal Aid
Self Representation Assistance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Elder Law
Provides assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other government agencies. Provides outreach concerning its program to disabled veterans and their families specifically.
Provides assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other government agencies. Provides outreach concerning its program to disabled veterans and their families specifically.
Related Services
Veteran Membership Organizations
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Employment Programs
Military Transition Assistance Programs
Social Services for Military Personnel
Community-service organization of organizations to support the Lehigh Valley’s active and reserve component military service members, its veterans, and their families.
Both a forum and as a focal point organization, that provides the opportunity for an entire regional community “not only a veterans-based one“ to care for its own. Teaches others to help in meaningful ways and advocates on behalf of a substantial, local military-veteran community on issues of relevance and importance. Organizes or supports programs which tackle the support of local military units when deployed, the support of families of service members, the transition of returning veterans, and the recovery of veterans requiring additional help.
Community-service organization of organizations to support the Lehigh Valley’s active and reserve component military service members, its veterans, and their families.
Both a forum and as a focal point organization, that provides the opportunity for an entire regional community “not only a veterans-based one“ to care for its own. Teaches others to help in meaningful ways and advocates on behalf of a substantial, local military-veteran community on issues of relevance and importance. Organizes or supports programs which tackle the support of local military units when deployed, the support of families of service members, the transition of returning veterans, and the recovery of veterans requiring additional help.
Provides information and referral for Veterans and dependents to other federal, state, county agencies and organizations that might further assist them.
Provides information and referral for Veterans and dependents to other federal, state, county agencies and organizations that might further assist them.
Provides assistance for veterans.
Provides assistance for veterans.
Related Services
Military Transition Assistance Programs
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Reintegration Counseling