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Helps settle most disputes via conflict resolution services, including mediation and conflict coaching. Provides trained mediators for disputes involving neighbors, neighborhood groups, youth-related problems and fights, landlord/tenant, noise, trash, business/consumer, child custody, harassment/vandalism, and other minor criminal issues. Unable to address domestic violence-related situations.
Helps settle most disputes via conflict resolution services, including mediation and conflict coaching. Provides trained mediators for disputes involving neighbors, neighborhood groups, youth-related problems and fights, landlord/tenant, noise, trash, business/consumer, child custody, harassment/vandalism, and other minor criminal issues. Unable to address domestic violence-related situations.
Related Services
Neighborhood Dispute Resolution Services
Conflict Resolution Training
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
Consumer Law
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Provides conflict resolution services to neighbors and others having on-going conflict that is not currently in the courts. Services include mediation, conciliation, conflict coaching, and referrals to other agencies and organizations that can help resolve the issue.
All DRP services are voluntary and confidential.
Provides conflict resolution services to neighbors and others having on-going conflict that is not currently in the courts. Services include mediation, conciliation, conflict coaching, and referrals to other agencies and organizations that can help resolve the issue.
All DRP services are voluntary and confidential.
Related Services
Neighborhood Dispute Resolution Services
Uses a credible messenger model to prevent and reduce gun violence in Philadelphia’s most violent neighborhoods. Provides teams of crisis workers / credible messengers who ride and walk-through assigned Police Service Areas, mediate conflicts, and build meaningful relationships in the community to help prevent violence. Also provides outreach and referrals to resources to victims of violence crime.
Uses a credible messenger model to prevent and reduce gun violence in Philadelphia’s most violent neighborhoods. Provides teams of crisis workers / credible messengers who ride and walk-through assigned Police Service Areas, mediate conflicts, and build meaningful relationships in the community to help prevent violence. Also provides outreach and referrals to resources to victims of violence crime.
Related Services
Gang Programs
Neighborhood Dispute Resolution Services
Crime Victim Support
Offers year round youth educational-recreational programs, community events for parents and seniors, and life skills information for residents of all ages in the Grays Ferry and surrounding South Philadelphia neighborhoods. Also works to reduce teen violence and alleviate neighborhood tensions. Provides mentoring, food and clothing giveaways, and maintains Tynirah's Community Welcome Garden.
Offers year round youth educational-recreational programs, community events for parents and seniors, and life skills information for residents of all ages in the Grays Ferry and surrounding South Philadelphia neighborhoods. Also works to reduce teen violence and alleviate neighborhood tensions. Provides mentoring, food and clothing giveaways, and maintains Tynirah's Community Welcome Garden.
Related Services
Youth Centers
Youth Enrichment Programs
Community Gardening
Mentoring Programs
Neighborhood Dispute Resolution Services
Neighborhood Multipurpose Centers
Provides training in mediation and negotiation skills, as well as conflict resolution services (divorce, relationship, landlord/tenant, elderly, HOA) for individuals and groups. Operates as an Alternate Dispute Resolution Center and works to prevent targeted violence. Offers neighborhood dispute resolution services, landlord/tenant dispute resolution, community mediation, and divorce mediation.
Provides training in mediation and negotiation skills, as well as conflict resolution services (divorce, relationship, landlord/tenant, elderly, HOA) for individuals and groups. Operates as an Alternate Dispute Resolution Center and works to prevent targeted violence. Offers neighborhood dispute resolution services, landlord/tenant dispute resolution, community mediation, and divorce mediation.
Related Services
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
Neighborhood Dispute Resolution Services
Elder Mediation
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Divorce Assistance
Offers mediation services as an alternative to the court for resolving disputes such as: landlord/tenant problems, "fence" disputes between neighbors, disputes involving children/youth, minor civil/criminal complaints, domestic disputes, business/consumer disputes, and multi-party/multi-issue disputes. Offers training on mediation skills and workshops and seminars on conflict management, communication skills building, team building, and negotiation for adults and youth.
Offers mediation services as an alternative to the court for resolving disputes such as: landlord/tenant problems, "fence" disputes between neighbors, disputes involving children/youth, minor civil/criminal complaints, domestic disputes, business/consumer disputes, and multi-party/multi-issue disputes. Offers training on mediation skills and workshops and seminars on conflict management, communication skills building, team building, and negotiation for adults and youth.
Related Services
Neighborhood Dispute Resolution Services
Conflict Resolution Training
Legal Counseling
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
Combats violence by intervening where violence is most prevalent. Works to provide those involved in criminal activities with positive alternatives. Responds to neighborhood crises with mediation and resources to support anyone looking for a peaceful alternative.
Combats violence by intervening where violence is most prevalent. Works to provide those involved in criminal activities with positive alternatives. Responds to neighborhood crises with mediation and resources to support anyone looking for a peaceful alternative.
Related Services
Crime Victim Support
Neighborhood Dispute Resolution Services
Gang Programs
Advocates for and assists in developing communication and healing models in the Hill District of Pittsburgh through exploration of community trauma.
Advocates for and assists in developing communication and healing models in the Hill District of Pittsburgh through exploration of community trauma.
Related Services
Neighborhood Revitalization
Neighborhood Dispute Resolution Services
Neighborhood Improvement Groups
Provides a wide range of mediation and conflict resolution services, addressing issues such as elder mediation, family mediation, housing disputes, multi-party mediation, neighborhood disputes, peer mediation for students, petty crimes, school attendance mediation, small claims, and workplace disputes. Also provides conflict resolution coaching.
Provides a wide range of mediation and conflict resolution services, addressing issues such as elder mediation, family mediation, housing disputes, multi-party mediation, neighborhood disputes, peer mediation for students, petty crimes, school attendance mediation, small claims, and workplace disputes. Also provides conflict resolution coaching.
Related Services
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
Family Counseling
Gang Programs
Elder Mediation
Neighborhood Dispute Resolution Services