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Provides alternative education services to students from the twelve school districts of Schuylkill County with mental health problems and substance abuse.
Provides alternative education services to students from the twelve school districts of Schuylkill County with mental health problems and substance abuse.
Related Services
Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs
Provides alternative education programs for troubled and at-risk youth who are struggling with behavioral and emotional problems, including: learning difficulties; drug and alcohol abuse; legal problems; family problems; impulsive or aggressive behavior; lack of self-esteem; mental health issues; ADD/ADHD; oppositional defiance disorder; sexual, physical, or emotional abuse; truancy; school suspensions; and expulsions.
Provides alternative education programs for troubled and at-risk youth who are struggling with behavioral and emotional problems, including: learning difficulties; drug and alcohol abuse; legal problems; family problems; impulsive or aggressive behavior; lack of self-esteem; mental health issues; ADD/ADHD; oppositional defiance disorder; sexual, physical, or emotional abuse; truancy; school suspensions; and expulsions.
Related Services
Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs
Offers another option for students who are having difficulty succeeding in the educational or special educational program settings due to behavioral problems. Students not only receive their academic instruction, but also receive support and assistance in dealing and coping with their behavioral issues. Students are encouraged to gain the skills necessary to successfully return to their home school programs.
Offers another option for students who are having difficulty succeeding in the educational or special educational program settings due to behavioral problems. Students not only receive their academic instruction, but also receive support and assistance in dealing and coping with their behavioral issues. Students are encouraged to gain the skills necessary to successfully return to their home school programs.
Related Services
Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs
Remedial program (focus on math and literacy skill development and growth) for students in grades 7-8 coupled with an accelerated credit recovery program for students in grades 9-12.
Remedial program (focus on math and literacy skill development and growth) for students in grades 7-8 coupled with an accelerated credit recovery program for students in grades 9-12.
Related Services
Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs
The LIU's Lighthouse Academy delivers intensive levels of intervention to challenged students in the initial stages of their school careers in order to prepare them educationally and emotionally for a successful transition back to their neighborhood schools. The Academy provides a culture of success and optimism in which students learn to manage and control their own behaviors, to gain the required academic skills, and to successfully function at home, school, and in the community. All of the activities of the academy occur within the context of positive behavior management strategies. The academy operates within the positive belief that students, parents, educators and therapists can work together toward the achievement of individualized student goals.
The LIU's Lighthouse Academy delivers intensive levels of intervention to challenged students in the initial stages of their school careers in order to prepare them educationally and emotionally for a successful transition back to their neighborhood schools. The Academy provides a culture of success and optimism in which students learn to manage and control their own behaviors, to gain the required academic skills, and to successfully function at home, school, and in the community. All of the activities of the academy occur within the context of positive behavior management strategies. The academy operates within the positive belief that students, parents, educators and therapists can work together toward the achievement of individualized student goals.
Related Services
Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs
School Based Integrated Services
Provides educational services for students who have failed or been removed from the public school setting or who demonstrate behavior disorders which cannot be addressed in a regular educational setting.
Provides educational services for students who have failed or been removed from the public school setting or who demonstrate behavior disorders which cannot be addressed in a regular educational setting.
Related Services
Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs
The purpose of the ALC is to provide an alternative setting in which any student may discover academic success when he/she becomes unable to perform in a traditional school situation.
Our goals are to provide a structured situation through which a student can maximize his/her academic potential and accelerate learning so that the student may gain credits to achieve a high school diploma, to modify behavior and promte mutual respect.
The purpose of the ALC is to provide an alternative setting in which any student may discover academic success when he/she becomes unable to perform in a traditional school situation.
Our goals are to provide a structured situation through which a student can maximize his/her academic potential and accelerate learning so that the student may gain credits to achieve a high school diploma, to modify behavior and promte mutual respect.
Related Services
Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs
Assists students in attaining academic proficiency and earning a Pennsylvania Department of Education recognized high school diploma.
Services include:
Choice of three sessions to attend
Individualized instruction
Self-paced instruction
Open-entry and open-exit enrollment
Career Awareness
Work Co-op Program
Community Service opportunities
Assists students in attaining academic proficiency and earning a Pennsylvania Department of Education recognized high school diploma.
Services include:
Choice of three sessions to attend
Individualized instruction
Self-paced instruction
Open-entry and open-exit enrollment
Career Awareness
Work Co-op Program
Community Service opportunities
Related Services
Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs
Serves as an outpatient psychiatric clinic, providing individual therapy, couple therapy, martial therapy, and family therapy services. Offer counseling for depression, anxiety, stress, marital and family issues, child/parent issues, dealing with physical illness, history of trauma, as well as other mental disorders including bipolar, schizophrenia, and personality disorders. Offers psychiatry services for medication management
Serves as an outpatient psychiatric clinic, providing individual therapy, couple therapy, martial therapy, and family therapy services. Offer counseling for depression, anxiety, stress, marital and family issues, child/parent issues, dealing with physical illness, history of trauma, as well as other mental disorders including bipolar, schizophrenia, and personality disorders. Offers psychiatry services for medication management
Related Services
Special Education Classes/Centers
Outpatient Mental Health Facilities
Marriage Counseling
Vocational Education
Family Counseling
Conjoint Counseling
Psychiatric Medication Monitoring
General Counseling Services
Premarital Counseling
Parent Counseling
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Children's/Adolescent Residential Treatment Facilities
Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs
Individual Counseling
General Psychiatry
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Adult Psychiatry
A transitional school for students who have experienced behavioral difficulties adapting to a traditional school environment. 45 Day program with a goal of returning the student to their home school.
A transitional school for students who have experienced behavioral difficulties adapting to a traditional school environment. 45 Day program with a goal of returning the student to their home school.
Related Services
Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs