1-21 of 21
Offering reproductive health exams, birth control (Please note that we do not offer all types and brands of birth control. If you choose a method that is not available at our offices, we may need to write you a prescription or refer you to another health care provider.), and
morning after pill (Plan B One-Step). Plan B is most effective if taken within the first 24 hours after unprotected sex, but can be used up to 120 hours after unprotected sex.
Also, offers sexually transmitted disease testing and treatment (FREE for both males and females of all ages), pregnancy testing, and complete options counseling,
Offering reproductive health exams, birth control (Please note that we do not offer all types and brands of birth control. If you choose a method that is not available at our offices, we may need to write you a prescription or refer you to another health care provider.), and
morning after pill (Plan B One-Step). Plan B is most effective if taken within the first 24 hours after unprotected sex, but can be used up to 120 hours after unprotected sex.
Also, offers sexually transmitted disease testing and treatment (FREE for both males and females of all ages), pregnancy testing, and complete options counseling,
Related Services
Birth Control
Pregnancy Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Teen Family Planning Programs
Offers a variety of health services, including:
- Birth control
- Emergency contraception
- Pregnancy Testing
- STD testing and treatment
- HIV Testing
- GYN exams
- Male services
- Abortion referral
Offers a variety of health services, including:
- Birth control
- Emergency contraception
- Pregnancy Testing
- STD testing and treatment
- HIV Testing
- GYN exams
- Male services
- Abortion referral
Related Services
Breast Examinations
Teen Family Planning Programs
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
HIV Testing
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Public Clinics
Abortion Services
Pregnancy Testing
Birth Control
Reproductive Rights Groups
Women's Health Centers
Pap Tests
Pregnancy Counseling
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Provides reproductive health services including STD screening and treatment, contraceptive methods and counseling, teen reproductive health, breast and cervical screenings, gynecological and pelvic exams, pregnancy tests, counseling and referrals.
Provides reproductive health services including STD screening and treatment, contraceptive methods and counseling, teen reproductive health, breast and cervical screenings, gynecological and pelvic exams, pregnancy tests, counseling and referrals.
Related Services
Women's Health Centers
Pap Tests
Pregnancy Testing
Teen Family Planning Programs
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Birth Control
Breast Examinations
Provides reproductive health services including STD screening and treatment, contraceptive methods and counseling, teen reproductive health, breast and cervical screenings, gynecological and pelvic exams, pregnancy tests, counseling and referrals.
Provides reproductive health services including STD screening and treatment, contraceptive methods and counseling, teen reproductive health, breast and cervical screenings, gynecological and pelvic exams, pregnancy tests, counseling and referrals.
Related Services
Teen Family Planning Programs
Women's Health Centers
Birth Control
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Pap Tests
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Offers a variety of health services, including:
- Birth control
- General Health Care
- HIV Testing
- LGBT Services
- Men's Health Care
- Morning-After Pill (Emergency Contraception)
- Pregnancy Testing and Services
- STD Testing, Testing and Vaccines
- Women's Health Care
- Abortion Referral
Offers a variety of health services, including:
- Birth control
- General Health Care
- HIV Testing
- LGBT Services
- Men's Health Care
- Morning-After Pill (Emergency Contraception)
- Pregnancy Testing and Services
- STD Testing, Testing and Vaccines
- Women's Health Care
- Abortion Referral
Related Services
Reproductive Rights Groups
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Pregnancy Counseling
Public Clinics
HIV Testing
Birth Control
Teen Family Planning Programs
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Pap Tests
Pregnancy Testing
Women's Health Centers
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Breast Examinations
Abortion Services
Offers a variety of health services, including:
- Birth control
- Emergency contraception
- Pregnancy testing
- Abortion care
- STD testing and treatment
- HIV testing
- GYN exams.
- Male services
Offers a variety of health services, including:
- Birth control
- Emergency contraception
- Pregnancy testing
- Abortion care
- STD testing and treatment
- HIV testing
- GYN exams.
- Male services
Related Services
Birth Control
HIV Testing
Abortion Services
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Pap Tests
Reproductive Rights Groups
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Breast Examinations
Public Clinics
Pregnancy Counseling
Teen Family Planning Programs
Women's Health Centers
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Pregnancy Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Offers a variety of health services, including:- Birth control
- Emergency contraception
- Pregnancy testing
- Abortion care
- STD testing and treatment
- HIV testing
- GYN exam
- Male services
Offers a variety of health services, including:- Birth control
- Emergency contraception
- Pregnancy testing
- Abortion care
- STD testing and treatment
- HIV testing
- GYN exam
- Male services
Related Services
Pregnancy Testing
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Pregnancy Counseling
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Public Clinics
Women's Health Centers
Pap Tests
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Breast Examinations
Abortion Services
Birth Control
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
HIV Testing
Reproductive Rights Groups
Teen Family Planning Programs
Offers a variety of health services, including:
- Birth control
- HIV testing and services
- LGBT services
- Emergency Contraception
- Pregnancy testing
- STD testing, treatment and vaccines
- Women's healthcare
- Abortion services
Offers a variety of health services, including:
- Birth control
- HIV testing and services
- LGBT services
- Emergency Contraception
- Pregnancy testing
- STD testing, treatment and vaccines
- Women's healthcare
- Abortion services
Related Services
Pregnancy Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Birth Control
Women's Health Centers
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Breast Examinations
Reproductive Rights Groups
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Pregnancy Counseling
Pap Tests
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Abortion Services
Teen Family Planning Programs
Public Clinics
HIV Testing
All services for teens are free and confidential. Services include: condoms and access to birth control, sexual health counseling and education, referrals to family planning, mental health, substance abuse and adolescent relationship abuse services, pregnancy testing and options counseling, LGBTQ friendly services, and testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections. Educational topics include: abstinence, adolescent development and sexuality, anatomy, contraceptive methods, healthy relationships and intimate partner violence, LGBTQ issues, risk reduction strategies, STIâs including HIV/AIDS, and adolescent rights.
All services for teens are free and confidential. Services include: condoms and access to birth control, sexual health counseling and education, referrals to family planning, mental health, substance abuse and adolescent relationship abuse services, pregnancy testing and options counseling, LGBTQ friendly services, and testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections. Educational topics include: abstinence, adolescent development and sexuality, anatomy, contraceptive methods, healthy relationships and intimate partner violence, LGBTQ issues, risk reduction strategies, STIâs including HIV/AIDS, and adolescent rights.
Related Services
Teen Family Planning Programs
Pregnancy Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Birth Control
Offers a variety of health services, including:- Birth control
- Emergency contraception
- Pregnancy testing
- STD testing and treatment
- HIV testing
- GYN exams
- Male services
- Abortion referral
Offers a variety of health services, including:- Birth control
- Emergency contraception
- Pregnancy testing
- STD testing and treatment
- HIV testing
- GYN exams
- Male services
- Abortion referral
Related Services
Pregnancy Counseling
Public Clinics
Abortion Services
Women's Health Centers
Pap Tests
Birth Control
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Breast Examinations
Pregnancy Testing
Reproductive Rights Groups
Teen Family Planning Programs
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
HIV Testing
Offers a variety of health services, including:
- Birth control
- Emergency contraception
- Pregnancy testing
- Abortion care
- STD testing and treatment
- HIV testing
- GYN exams
- Male Services
Offers a variety of health services, including:
- Birth control
- Emergency contraception
- Pregnancy testing
- Abortion care
- STD testing and treatment
- HIV testing
- GYN exams
- Male Services
Related Services
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Teen Family Planning Programs
Pregnancy Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Breast Examinations
Pregnancy Counseling
Abortion Services
Reproductive Rights Groups
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Public Clinics
HIV Testing
Women's Health Centers
Pap Tests
Birth Control
Provides reproductive health services including STD screening and treatment, contraceptive methods and counseling, teen reproductive health, breast and cervical screenings, gynecological and pelvic exams, pregnancy tests, counseling and referrals.
Provides reproductive health services including STD screening and treatment, contraceptive methods and counseling, teen reproductive health, breast and cervical screenings, gynecological and pelvic exams, pregnancy tests, counseling and referrals.
Related Services
Teen Family Planning Programs
Women's Health Centers
Pregnancy Testing
Pap Tests
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Birth Control
Offering reproductive health exams, birth control (Please note that we do not offer all types and brands of birth control. If you choose a method that is not available at our offices, we may need to write you a prescription or refer you to another health care provider.), and
morning after pill (Plan B One-Step). Plan B is most effective if taken within the first 24 hours after unprotected sex, but can be used up to 120 hours after unprotected sex.
Also, offers sexually transmitted disease testing and treatment (FREE for both males and females of all ages), pregnancy testing, and complete options counseling,
Offering reproductive health exams, birth control (Please note that we do not offer all types and brands of birth control. If you choose a method that is not available at our offices, we may need to write you a prescription or refer you to another health care provider.), and
morning after pill (Plan B One-Step). Plan B is most effective if taken within the first 24 hours after unprotected sex, but can be used up to 120 hours after unprotected sex.
Also, offers sexually transmitted disease testing and treatment (FREE for both males and females of all ages), pregnancy testing, and complete options counseling,
Related Services
Birth Control
Pregnancy Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Teen Family Planning Programs
Provides reproductive health services including STD screening and treatment, contraceptive methods and counseling, teen reproductive health, breast and cervical screenings, gynecological and pelvic exams, pregnancy tests, counseling and referrals.
Provides reproductive health services including STD screening and treatment, contraceptive methods and counseling, teen reproductive health, breast and cervical screenings, gynecological and pelvic exams, pregnancy tests, counseling and referrals.
Related Services
Teen Family Planning Programs
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Breast Examinations
Birth Control
Women's Health Centers
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Pap Tests
Offering reproductive health exams, birth control (Please note that we do not offer all types and brands of birth control. If you choose a method that is not available at our offices, we may need to write you a prescription or refer you to another health care provider.), and
morning after pill (Plan B One-Step). Plan B is most effective if taken within the first 24 hours after unprotected sex, but can be used up to 120 hours after unprotected sex.
Also, offers sexually transmitted disease testing and treatment (FREE for both males and females of all ages), pregnancy testing, and complete options counseling,
Offering reproductive health exams, birth control (Please note that we do not offer all types and brands of birth control. If you choose a method that is not available at our offices, we may need to write you a prescription or refer you to another health care provider.), and
morning after pill (Plan B One-Step). Plan B is most effective if taken within the first 24 hours after unprotected sex, but can be used up to 120 hours after unprotected sex.
Also, offers sexually transmitted disease testing and treatment (FREE for both males and females of all ages), pregnancy testing, and complete options counseling,
Related Services
Birth Control
Pregnancy Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Teen Family Planning Programs
Provides reproductive health services including STD screening and treatment, contraceptive methods and counseling, teen reproductive health, breast and cervical screenings, gynecological and pelvic exams, pregnancy tests, counseling and referrals.
Provides reproductive health services including STD screening and treatment, contraceptive methods and counseling, teen reproductive health, breast and cervical screenings, gynecological and pelvic exams, pregnancy tests, counseling and referrals.
Related Services
Women's Health Centers
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Pregnancy Testing
Pap Tests
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Teen Family Planning Programs
Birth Control
Offers a variety of health services, including:
- Birth control
- HIV testing and services
- LGBT services
- Emergency Contraception
- Pregnancy testing
- STD testing, treatment and vaccines
- Women's healthcare
Offers a variety of health services, including:
- Birth control
- HIV testing and services
- LGBT services
- Emergency Contraception
- Pregnancy testing
- STD testing, treatment and vaccines
- Women's healthcare
Related Services
Reproductive Rights Groups
Teen Family Planning Programs
Pap Tests
Breast Examinations
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
HIV Testing
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Public Clinics
Women's Health Centers
Pregnancy Testing
Birth Control
Pregnancy Counseling
Abortion Services
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Services include pregnancy tests, limited obstetric ultrasound, pregnancy options consultation, abortion recovery support, STI testing, treatment for chlamydia and gonorrhea, moms' support group, relationship education, fatherhood education and support, parenting education and support, nutrition education, and budgeting assistance. Offers access to essential baby items including formula, food, diapers, wipes, clothing, and car seats. Makes referrals for community services and public benefits.
Services include pregnancy tests, limited obstetric ultrasound, pregnancy options consultation, abortion recovery support, STI testing, treatment for chlamydia and gonorrhea, moms' support group, relationship education, fatherhood education and support, parenting education and support, nutrition education, and budgeting assistance. Offers access to essential baby items including formula, food, diapers, wipes, clothing, and car seats. Makes referrals for community services and public benefits.
Related Services
Parenting Skills Classes
Postabortion Support Groups
Pregnancy Testing
Crisis Pregnancy Hotlines
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Baby Clothing
Pregnancy Counseling
Teen Family Planning Programs
Pregnancy/Childbirth Support Groups
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Formula/Baby Food
Offering reproductive health exams, birth control (Please note that we do not offer all types and brands of birth control. If you choose a method that is not available at our offices, we may need to write you a prescription or refer you to another health care provider.), and
morning after pill (Plan B One-Step). Plan B is most effective if taken within the first 24 hours after unprotected sex, but can be used up to 120 hours after unprotected sex.
Also, offers sexually transmitted disease testing and treatment (FREE for both males and females of all ages), pregnancy testing, and complete options counseling,
Offering reproductive health exams, birth control (Please note that we do not offer all types and brands of birth control. If you choose a method that is not available at our offices, we may need to write you a prescription or refer you to another health care provider.), and
morning after pill (Plan B One-Step). Plan B is most effective if taken within the first 24 hours after unprotected sex, but can be used up to 120 hours after unprotected sex.
Also, offers sexually transmitted disease testing and treatment (FREE for both males and females of all ages), pregnancy testing, and complete options counseling,
Related Services
Birth Control
Pregnancy Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Teen Family Planning Programs
Provides birth control, pregnancy testing, STD testing and counseling about HIV for teens.
Provides birth control, pregnancy testing, STD testing and counseling about HIV for teens.
Related Services
Birth Control
Teen Family Planning Programs
Pregnancy Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Services include pregnancy tests, limited obstetric ultrasound, pregnancy options consultation, abortion recovery support, STI testing, treatment for chlamydia and gonorrhea, moms' support group, relationship education, fatherhood education and support, parenting education and support, nutrition education, and budgeting assistance. Offers access to essential baby items including formula, food, diapers, wipes, clothing, and car seats. Makes referrals for community services and public benefits.
Services include pregnancy tests, limited obstetric ultrasound, pregnancy options consultation, abortion recovery support, STI testing, treatment for chlamydia and gonorrhea, moms' support group, relationship education, fatherhood education and support, parenting education and support, nutrition education, and budgeting assistance. Offers access to essential baby items including formula, food, diapers, wipes, clothing, and car seats. Makes referrals for community services and public benefits.
Related Services
Parenting Skills Classes
Postabortion Support Groups
Pregnancy Testing
Crisis Pregnancy Hotlines
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Baby Clothing
Pregnancy Counseling
Teen Family Planning Programs
Pregnancy/Childbirth Support Groups
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Formula/Baby Food