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Programs that teach people who are blind and other interested individuals to read and write using Braille.
Programs that teach people who are blind and other interested individuals to read and write using Braille.
Rehabilitation Services provides clients with the skills needed to remain independent in the community. By helping clients improve their ability in areas such as activities of daily living, interpersonal communication skills, computer use, and orientation & mobility, the Rehab Dept works with the client to help them regain/obtain a level of independence lost since they experienced diminished eyesight.
Rehabilitation Services provides clients with the skills needed to remain independent in the community. By helping clients improve their ability in areas such as activities of daily living, interpersonal communication skills, computer use, and orientation & mobility, the Rehab Dept works with the client to help them regain/obtain a level of independence lost since they experienced diminished eyesight.
Related Services
Braille Instruction
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Centers for Independent Living
Condition Specific Rehabilitation Services
Offers client services through the Pennsylvania Association for the Blind's 25 member agencies. Note: The Association does not provide direct services.
Offers client services through the Pennsylvania Association for the Blind's 25 member agencies. Note: The Association does not provide direct services.
Related Services
Life Skills Education
Orientation and Mobility Training
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Braille Instruction
Reading Services for People With Disabilities
Disability Related Transportation
Financial Management Support
Vocational Rehabilitation
General Health Education Programs
Medical Information Services
Community Service Work Programs
Inpatient Rehabilitation
Eye Care Expense Assistance
Services include case management, low vision occupational therapy, orientation and mobility skills training, educational and peer support groups, access to assistive technology, and Braille instruction.
Services include case management, low vision occupational therapy, orientation and mobility skills training, educational and peer support groups, access to assistive technology, and Braille instruction.
Related Services
Low Vision Aids
Braille Instruction
Offers monthly virtual support groups, on-site vision support services, trainings, and informal group meetings. Loans vision-related assistive technology, conducts eye exams, and supplies eyeglasses for those who cannot afford them through referrals or funding. Also provides employment opportunities for individuals who are legally blind, and public education to prevent blindness and vision impairment.
Offers monthly virtual support groups, on-site vision support services, trainings, and informal group meetings. Loans vision-related assistive technology, conducts eye exams, and supplies eyeglasses for those who cannot afford them through referrals or funding. Also provides employment opportunities for individuals who are legally blind, and public education to prevent blindness and vision impairment.
Related Services
Supported Employment
Braille Instruction
Job Development
Volunteer Opportunities
Assistive Technology Equipment Loan
Recreational Activities/Sports
Assistive Technology Information
Vocational Rehabilitation