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Provides vocational assessment through training bays in training skills lab area
Provides vocational assessment through training bays in training skills lab area
We provide three programs that address the needs of persons under the age of 22. They are as follows:
1. Our School-to-Work program is designed to provide high school-aged students with an IEP (Individualized Education Program) transition into the workplace. Through a vocational evaluation by our licensed psychologist and work done by the student in our workshop, the employment potential of the student is enhanced and assessed. In the workshop students develop vocational and employability skills that help them to successfully transition from school to work. If appropriate, students can also progress to participating in transitional work crews in the community. Students are paid at piece rate for the work they do in the workshop and at an hourly rate for community work crew. In addition, at the request of the school district, we can provide job development and job coaching. The School-to-Work program is funded by school districts, the Chester County Intermediate Unit or county programs.
2. The ESY
We provide three programs that address the needs of persons under the age of 22. They are as follows:
1. Our School-to-Work program is designed to provide high school-aged students with an IEP (Individualized Education Program) transition into the workplace. Through a vocational evaluation by our licensed psychologist and work done by the student in our workshop, the employment potential of the student is enhanced and assessed. In the workshop students develop vocational and employability skills that help them to successfully transition from school to work. If appropriate, students can also progress to participating in transitional work crews in the community. Students are paid at piece rate for the work they do in the workshop and at an hourly rate for community work crew. In addition, at the request of the school district, we can provide job development and job coaching. The School-to-Work program is funded by school districts, the Chester County Intermediate Unit or county programs.
2. The ESY
Related Services
Vocational Assessment
Supported Employment
Special Education Classes/Centers
Youth Enrichment Programs
Offers vocatinal assessment, employment skills training, job readiness, job search services, and assistance with resume writing and interview skills.
Offers vocatinal assessment, employment skills training, job readiness, job search services, and assistance with resume writing and interview skills.
Related Services
Job Training Formats
Job Finding Assistance
Vocational Assessment
Career Development
The initial step for most individuals entering our programs is a vocational evaluation to determine your needs and our ability to meet them. The evaluation is scheduled after the intake interview and can last from 5 to 20 days. During this time we will assess your interests, aptitudes, achievement levels, work behaviors and skills. We will use standardized tests, work samples and production tasks in the workshop or participation on a community work crew. When the evaluation has been completed, we will meet with you and your team members to discuss the results. Our Vocational Evaluator will forward a written report to your referral source and anyone else authorized to receive a copy.
The initial step for most individuals entering our programs is a vocational evaluation to determine your needs and our ability to meet them. The evaluation is scheduled after the intake interview and can last from 5 to 20 days. During this time we will assess your interests, aptitudes, achievement levels, work behaviors and skills. We will use standardized tests, work samples and production tasks in the workshop or participation on a community work crew. When the evaluation has been completed, we will meet with you and your team members to discuss the results. Our Vocational Evaluator will forward a written report to your referral source and anyone else authorized to receive a copy.
Related Services
Vocational Assessment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Informs unemployed and under-employed individuals about job opportunities and how to become prepared for them.
Helps participants to identify realistic career goals and develop strategies to overcome obstacles.
Provides both group-oriented and one-on-one financial coaching.
Informs unemployed and under-employed individuals about job opportunities and how to become prepared for them.
Helps participants to identify realistic career goals and develop strategies to overcome obstacles.
Provides both group-oriented and one-on-one financial coaching.
Related Services
Vocational Assessment
Job Finding Assistance
Provides the job skills training and supports needed to obtain and sustain meaningful employment. Offers comprehensive and individualized vocational assessment, community based work assessment, job seeking and placement services, supported employment, post employment services, post secondary education support, social skills groups, community integration and inclusion, independent living skills training, transportation, financial coordination services, and outpatient counseling.
Provides the job skills training and supports needed to obtain and sustain meaningful employment. Offers comprehensive and individualized vocational assessment, community based work assessment, job seeking and placement services, supported employment, post employment services, post secondary education support, social skills groups, community integration and inclusion, independent living skills training, transportation, financial coordination services, and outpatient counseling.
Related Services
Vocational Rehabilitation
Supported Employment
Vocational Assessment
Prejob Guidance
Serves those with brain injuries and related neurological challenges. Assists individuals with maximizing independence in their home and community. Offers vocational rehabilitation and music therapy services.
Serves those with brain injuries and related neurological challenges. Assists individuals with maximizing independence in their home and community. Offers vocational rehabilitation and music therapy services.
Related Services
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Vocational Rehabilitation
Brain Injury Assessment
Vocational Assessment
Program that administers tests which measure an individual's skills, abilities, interests, personality traits and other attributes for success in different occupational areas or specific positions.
Program that administers tests which measure an individual's skills, abilities, interests, personality traits and other attributes for success in different occupational areas or specific positions.
Provides career assessment to individuals
Provides career assessment to individuals
Related Services
Vocational Assessment
Offers job search enrollment with assistance of staff, career counseling, job training, and job readiness workshops.
Offers job search enrollment with assistance of staff, career counseling, job training, and job readiness workshops.
Related Services
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Prejob Guidance
Vocational Assessment
Job Finding Assistance
Serves those with brain injuries and related neurological challenges. Assists individuals with maximizing independence in their home and community. Offers vocational rehabilitation and music therapy services.
Serves those with brain injuries and related neurological challenges. Assists individuals with maximizing independence in their home and community. Offers vocational rehabilitation and music therapy services.
Related Services
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Assessment
Brain Injury Assessment
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Provides an online portal that links students with internships, job shadows, and other employment-based learning opportunities. Also offers career assessments and access to job boards.
Provides an online portal that links students with internships, job shadows, and other employment-based learning opportunities. Also offers career assessments and access to job boards.
Related Services
Job Finding Assistance
Vocational Assessment
Informs unemployed and under-employed individuals about job opportunities and how to become prepared for them.
Helps participants to identify realistic career goals and develop strategies to overcome obstacles.
Provides both group-oriented and one-on-one financial coaching.
Informs unemployed and under-employed individuals about job opportunities and how to become prepared for them.
Helps participants to identify realistic career goals and develop strategies to overcome obstacles.
Provides both group-oriented and one-on-one financial coaching.
Related Services
Vocational Assessment
Job Finding Assistance
Provides a program that helps individuals in transition so they can participate fully in planning and achieving their career, educational and personal goals by improving self-esteem and building self-confidence. Classes in computer basics supplement the program.
Services include vocational assessment, career counseling, resume preparation and interview skills, skills identification, career planning, job readiness instruction, job search skills, exploration of education and training resources
, and job placement assistance
Provides a program that helps individuals in transition so they can participate fully in planning and achieving their career, educational and personal goals by improving self-esteem and building self-confidence. Classes in computer basics supplement the program.
Services include vocational assessment, career counseling, resume preparation and interview skills, skills identification, career planning, job readiness instruction, job search skills, exploration of education and training resources
, and job placement assistance
Related Services
Career Development
Job Finding Assistance
Prejob Guidance
Vocational Assessment
Job Training Resource Lists
Student Career Counseling
Provides job training and employment skills designed to help solve the problems of unemployment and/or underemployment and to assist welfare recipients in securing employment. Conducts an orientation that includes determining the participant's career interests, an assessment of his or her skills, and offers resolutions and support services to help with obstacles that may be deterring the participant from obtaining and retaining employment. After orientation, the participant may receive skills enhancement to assist with: GED preparation, obtain training in job readiness sessions, and possibly obtain a higher level of training that is geared for a specific job position.
Provides job training and employment skills designed to help solve the problems of unemployment and/or underemployment and to assist welfare recipients in securing employment. Conducts an orientation that includes determining the participant's career interests, an assessment of his or her skills, and offers resolutions and support services to help with obstacles that may be deterring the participant from obtaining and retaining employment. After orientation, the participant may receive skills enhancement to assist with: GED preparation, obtain training in job readiness sessions, and possibly obtain a higher level of training that is geared for a specific job position.
Related Services
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Finding Assistance
Vocational Assessment
Provides community participation experiences, real work experience, and training for individuals desiring to earn a paycheck and job skills. Offers job coaching to find competitive employment.
Provides community participation experiences, real work experience, and training for individuals desiring to earn a paycheck and job skills. Offers job coaching to find competitive employment.
Related Services
Job Development
Vocational Assessment
Occupation Specific Job Training
Provides vocational assessment, counseling, training, and job placement services to individuals with significant disabilities. Includes eligibility referrals, initial meetings, community based work assessments, job search, job placement, individual plan of job support, follow-up, and career advancement.
Provides vocational assessment, counseling, training, and job placement services to individuals with significant disabilities. Includes eligibility referrals, initial meetings, community based work assessments, job search, job placement, individual plan of job support, follow-up, and career advancement.
Related Services
Vocational Assessment
Job Finding Assistance
School to Adult Life Transition Services
Serves those with brain injuries and related neurological challenges. Assists individuals with maximizing independence in their home and community. Offers vocational rehabilitation and music therapy services.
Serves those with brain injuries and related neurological challenges. Assists individuals with maximizing independence in their home and community. Offers vocational rehabilitation and music therapy services.
Related Services
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Brain Injury Assessment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Assessment
Offers determination of employment skill level and potential through testing and situational assessment.
Offers determination of employment skill level and potential through testing and situational assessment.
Provides vocational assessment, career planning assistance, job training, and supported employment for adults with intellectual disabilities.
Provides vocational assessment, career planning assistance, job training, and supported employment for adults with intellectual disabilities.
Related Services
Job Finding Assistance
Vocational Assessment
Prejob Guidance
Supported Employment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Disability Related Center Based Employment
Career Development
Offers a community-based work assessment that uses real work experience in community businesses to determine an individual’s vocational interests and abilities. The assessment is conducted in an integrated work setting under the supervision of an Employment Specialist and provides information about the individual’s work behaviors, abilities, and preferences.
Offers a community-based work assessment that uses real work experience in community businesses to determine an individual’s vocational interests and abilities. The assessment is conducted in an integrated work setting under the supervision of an Employment Specialist and provides information about the individual’s work behaviors, abilities, and preferences.
Related Services
Job Development
Vocational Assessment
Provides comprehensive training and employment services to assist eligible farmworkers to reach self-sufficiency through successful job placement.
Provides comprehensive training and employment services to assist eligible farmworkers to reach self-sufficiency through successful job placement.
Related Services
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
English as a Second Language
Vocational Assessment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Prevocational Training
General Benefits Assistance
Job Retraining
Career Development
Immigrant/Refugee Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Serves those with brain injuries and related neurological challenges. Assists individuals with maximizing independence in their home and community. Offers vocational rehabilitation and music therapy services.
Serves those with brain injuries and related neurological challenges. Assists individuals with maximizing independence in their home and community. Offers vocational rehabilitation and music therapy services.
Related Services
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Brain Injury Assessment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Assessment
Provides the job skills training and supports needed to obtain and sustain meaningful employment. Offers comprehensive and individualized vocational assessment, community based work assessment, job seeking and placement services, supported employment, post employment services, post secondary education support, social skills groups, community integration and inclusion, independent living skills training, transportation, financial coordination services, and outpatient counseling.
Provides the job skills training and supports needed to obtain and sustain meaningful employment. Offers comprehensive and individualized vocational assessment, community based work assessment, job seeking and placement services, supported employment, post employment services, post secondary education support, social skills groups, community integration and inclusion, independent living skills training, transportation, financial coordination services, and outpatient counseling.
Related Services
Vocational Rehabilitation
Supported Employment
Vocational Assessment
Prejob Guidance
Serves those with brain injuries and related neurological challenges. Assists individuals with maximizing independence in their home and community. Offers vocational rehabilitation and music therapy services.
Serves those with brain injuries and related neurological challenges. Assists individuals with maximizing independence in their home and community. Offers vocational rehabilitation and music therapy services.
Related Services
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Brain Injury Assessment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Assessment