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Provides eligible individuals with career counseling, pre-vocational preparation, basic skills improvement, on-the-job training, occupational skills training and job search assistance.
Provides eligible individuals with career counseling, pre-vocational preparation, basic skills improvement, on-the-job training, occupational skills training and job search assistance.
Related Services
Prejob Guidance
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Technical/Trade Schools
Welfare to Work Programs
WIOA Programs
Career Development
Job Finding Assistance
Job Training Formats
Employment Transition Counseling
Literacy Programs
Assists clients in multiple situations to achieve self-sufficiency through casework services, including development of a plan to establish self sufficiency and help with budgeting.
Assists clients in multiple situations to achieve self-sufficiency through casework services, including development of a plan to establish self sufficiency and help with budgeting.
Related Services
Personal Financial Counseling
Welfare to Work Programs
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Available to individuals who receive services from the county assistance office and is job search related assistance.
Available to individuals who receive services from the county assistance office and is job search related assistance.
Provides adults with limited English-language and employment skills as well as those lacking educational credentials receive literacy education, English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction, civics and citizenship classes, access to and support in the use of technology, support in transitioning to postsecondary education or employment, life skills, and counseling and case management.
Provides adults with limited English-language and employment skills as well as those lacking educational credentials receive literacy education, English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction, civics and citizenship classes, access to and support in the use of technology, support in transitioning to postsecondary education or employment, life skills, and counseling and case management.
Related Services
English as a Second Language
Welfare to Work Programs
Adult Basic Education
Job Training Formats
Literacy Programs
Citizenship Education
Career Development
Supported Employment
Provide intensive case management, education, training, work activities, job placement and retention services, and supportive services to move rapidly from dependence to independence through employment.
Provide intensive case management, education, training, work activities, job placement and retention services, and supportive services to move rapidly from dependence to independence through employment.
Related Services
Job Retraining
Job Finding Assistance
Welfare to Work Programs
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Career Development
Prejob Guidance
Literacy Programs
Technical/Trade Schools
Youth Employment Programs
Assists clients in multiple situations to achieve self-sufficiency through casework services, including development of a plan to establish self sufficiency and help with budgeting.
Assists clients in multiple situations to achieve self-sufficiency through casework services, including development of a plan to establish self sufficiency and help with budgeting.
Related Services
Personal Financial Counseling
Welfare to Work Programs
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Offers employment training, job search assistance, on-the-job work experience and supportive services such as child care, transportation costs, ancillary expenses and personal counseling for people who are receiving cash assistance through the TANF program.
Offers employment training, job search assistance, on-the-job work experience and supportive services such as child care, transportation costs, ancillary expenses and personal counseling for people who are receiving cash assistance through the TANF program.
Provides case management and assistance to welfare recipients to assist them in removing barriers and assist them in getting job ready.
Provides case management and assistance to welfare recipients to assist them in removing barriers and assist them in getting job ready.
Related Services
Welfare to Work Programs
Assist individuals with stabilizing their barriers to success and with developing skills that prepare them for employment. Program offers successful employment and personal skills development opportunities to help individuals improve their ability to "earn, keep, and grow" a steady family-supporting income. Customers are provided with case management and referred to other services such as skill and behavior assessment, support groups, life skills, GED instruction, counseling, substance abuse treatment, and others.
Assist individuals with stabilizing their barriers to success and with developing skills that prepare them for employment. Program offers successful employment and personal skills development opportunities to help individuals improve their ability to "earn, keep, and grow" a steady family-supporting income. Customers are provided with case management and referred to other services such as skill and behavior assessment, support groups, life skills, GED instruction, counseling, substance abuse treatment, and others.
Related Services
Prejob Guidance
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Training Formats
Provides intensive case management, education, training, work activities, job placement and retention services, and supportive services to recipients of cash assistance to enable them to move rapidly from dependence to independence through employment.
Provides intensive case management, education, training, work activities, job placement and retention services, and supportive services to recipients of cash assistance to enable them to move rapidly from dependence to independence through employment.
Related Services
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Technical/Trade Schools
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Literacy Programs
Welfare to Work Programs
Career Development
Prejob Guidance
A one-stop job center that provides an array of employment and training services in a convenient, easily accessible location.
Services include job counseling, testing and assessment; resume preparation assistance, interview training and other prejob guidance services; job matching and referral; unemployment insurance and job registration; labor market and career information; information on financial aid for education and training; and referral for job training, transportation, child care, personal and financial counseling, health care and other human services resources in the community.
A one-stop job center that provides an array of employment and training services in a convenient, easily accessible location.
Services include job counseling, testing and assessment; resume preparation assistance, interview training and other prejob guidance services; job matching and referral; unemployment insurance and job registration; labor market and career information; information on financial aid for education and training; and referral for job training, transportation, child care, personal and financial counseling, health care and other human services resources in the community.
Related Services
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance
Youth Employment Programs
Prejob Guidance
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Finding Assistance
Provides intensive case management, education, training, work activities, job placement and retention services, and supportive services to enable them to move rapidly from dependence to independence through employment.
Provides intensive case management, education, training, work activities, job placement and retention services, and supportive services to enable them to move rapidly from dependence to independence through employment.
Related Services
Welfare to Work Programs
Provide intensive case management, education, training, work activities, job placement and retention services, and supportive services to move rapidly from dependence to independence through employment.
Provide intensive case management, education, training, work activities, job placement and retention services, and supportive services to move rapidly from dependence to independence through employment.
Related Services
Job Retraining
Job Finding Assistance
Welfare to Work Programs
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Career Development
Prejob Guidance
Literacy Programs
Technical/Trade Schools
Youth Employment Programs
Provides intensive case management, education, training, work activities, job placement and retention services, and supportive services to recipients of cash assistance to enable them to move rapidly from dependence to independence through employment.
Provides intensive case management, education, training, work activities, job placement and retention services, and supportive services to recipients of cash assistance to enable them to move rapidly from dependence to independence through employment.
Related Services
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Technical/Trade Schools
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Literacy Programs
Welfare to Work Programs
Career Development
Prejob Guidance
RESET is an acronym for Road to Economic Self-sufficiency through Employment and Training. Provides case management, linkage with community employment and training organizations and financial aid for transportation costs for persons in the program. Uniforms, work shoes, clothing and other items needed to complete training may also be available through special allowances.
RESET is an acronym for Road to Economic Self-sufficiency through Employment and Training. Provides case management, linkage with community employment and training organizations and financial aid for transportation costs for persons in the program. Uniforms, work shoes, clothing and other items needed to complete training may also be available through special allowances.
Related Services
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Training Expense Assistance
Assists County Assistance Offices in their efforts to help TANF clients comply with participation requirements. Provides a full range of employment and training services for clients with limited employability due to medical reason and to other clients determined to be eligible by the County Assistance Office.
Assists County Assistance Offices in their efforts to help TANF clients comply with participation requirements. Provides a full range of employment and training services for clients with limited employability due to medical reason and to other clients determined to be eligible by the County Assistance Office.
Related Services
Job Finding Assistance
Welfare to Work Programs
Provides case management and information & referral services. Services include linkage to public and private benefits, financial literacy education, and referrals to employment and training programs.
Provides case management and information & referral services. Services include linkage to public and private benefits, financial literacy education, and referrals to employment and training programs.
Related Services
Life Coaching
General Benefits Assistance
Case/Care Management
Financial Literacy Training
Welfare to Work Programs
Provides eligible individuals with career counseling, pre-vocational preparation, basic skills improvement, on-the-job training, occupational skills training and job search assistance.
Provides eligible individuals with career counseling, pre-vocational preparation, basic skills improvement, on-the-job training, occupational skills training and job search assistance.
Related Services
Prejob Guidance
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Technical/Trade Schools
Welfare to Work Programs
WIOA Programs
Career Development
Job Finding Assistance
Job Training Formats
Employment Transition Counseling
Literacy Programs
Provides job training and employment skills designed to help solve the problems of unemployment and/or underemployment and to assist welfare recipients in securing employment. Conducts an orientation that includes determining the participant's career interests, an assessment of his or her skills, and offers resolutions and support services to help with obstacles that may be deterring the participant from obtaining and retaining employment. After orientation, the participant may receive skills enhancement to assist with: GED preparation, obtain training in job readiness sessions, and possibly obtain a higher level of training that is geared for a specific job position.
Provides job training and employment skills designed to help solve the problems of unemployment and/or underemployment and to assist welfare recipients in securing employment. Conducts an orientation that includes determining the participant's career interests, an assessment of his or her skills, and offers resolutions and support services to help with obstacles that may be deterring the participant from obtaining and retaining employment. After orientation, the participant may receive skills enhancement to assist with: GED preparation, obtain training in job readiness sessions, and possibly obtain a higher level of training that is geared for a specific job position.
Related Services
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Finding Assistance
Vocational Assessment
Provides eligible individuals with career counseling, pre-vocational preparation, basic skills improvement, on-the-job training, occupational skills training and job search assistance.
Provides eligible individuals with career counseling, pre-vocational preparation, basic skills improvement, on-the-job training, occupational skills training and job search assistance.
Related Services
Prejob Guidance
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Technical/Trade Schools
Welfare to Work Programs
WIOA Programs
Career Development
Job Finding Assistance
Job Training Formats
Employment Transition Counseling
Literacy Programs
Works closely with participants to remove barriers to employment and increase marketability. Provides comprehensive education, training, and support services to help participants transition from public assistance to employment and independence.
Works closely with participants to remove barriers to employment and increase marketability. Provides comprehensive education, training, and support services to help participants transition from public assistance to employment and independence.
Provides intensive case management, education, training, work activities, job placement and retention services, and supportive services to recipients of cash assistance to enable them to move rapidly from dependence to independence through employment.
Provides intensive case management, education, training, work activities, job placement and retention services, and supportive services to recipients of cash assistance to enable them to move rapidly from dependence to independence through employment.
Related Services
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Technical/Trade Schools
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Literacy Programs
Welfare to Work Programs
Career Development
Prejob Guidance
Provides eligible individuals with career counseling, pre-vocational preparation, basic skills improvement, on-the-job training, occupational skills training and job search assistance.
Provides eligible individuals with career counseling, pre-vocational preparation, basic skills improvement, on-the-job training, occupational skills training and job search assistance.
Related Services
Prejob Guidance
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Technical/Trade Schools
Welfare to Work Programs
WIOA Programs
Career Development
Job Finding Assistance
Job Training Formats
Employment Transition Counseling
Literacy Programs
A one-stop job center that provides an array of employment and training services in a convenient, easily accessible location.
Services include job counseling, testing and assessment; resume preparation assistance, interview training and other prejob guidance services; job matching and referral; unemployment insurance and job registration; labor market and career information; information on financial aid for education and training; and referral for job training, transportation, child care, personal and financial counseling, health care and other human services resources in the community.
A one-stop job center that provides an array of employment and training services in a convenient, easily accessible location.
Services include job counseling, testing and assessment; resume preparation assistance, interview training and other prejob guidance services; job matching and referral; unemployment insurance and job registration; labor market and career information; information on financial aid for education and training; and referral for job training, transportation, child care, personal and financial counseling, health care and other human services resources in the community.
Related Services
Job Finding Assistance
Prejob Guidance
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance
Youth Employment Programs
Welfare to Work Programs
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Provide intensive case management, education, training, work activities, job placement and retention services, and supportive services to move rapidly from dependence to independence through employment.
Provide intensive case management, education, training, work activities, job placement and retention services, and supportive services to move rapidly from dependence to independence through employment.
Related Services
Job Retraining
Job Finding Assistance
Welfare to Work Programs
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Career Development
Prejob Guidance
Literacy Programs
Technical/Trade Schools
Youth Employment Programs