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Provides opportunities and services to older adults (ages 60 and older, unless otherwise noted) to promote their best possible well-being.
Provides opportunities and services to older adults (ages 60 and older, unless otherwise noted) to promote their best possible well-being.
Related Services
Area Agencies on Aging
Housing Search Assistance
Senior Housing Information and Referral
Long Term Care Options Counseling
Aging in Place Membership Organizations/Networks
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Provides support and services to enable older adults to continue to live in their homes and communities. Services may include adult day services, companion services, counseling, home environment modifications, inpatient respite care, institutional respite care, medical supplies and equipment, physical, occupational and speech therapy, and aging waiver programs.
Provides support and services to enable older adults to continue to live in their homes and communities. Services may include adult day services, companion services, counseling, home environment modifications, inpatient respite care, institutional respite care, medical supplies and equipment, physical, occupational and speech therapy, and aging waiver programs.
Related Services
Aging in Place Membership Organizations/Networks
Senior Housing Information and Referral
Area Agencies on Aging
Long Term Care Options Counseling
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Provides a wide variety of programs and services to older adults.
Provides a wide variety of programs and services to older adults.
Related Services
Long Term Care Options Counseling
Senior Housing Information and Referral
Housing Search Assistance
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Aging in Place Membership Organizations/Networks
Area Agencies on Aging
Provides opportunities and services to older adults (ages 60 and older, unless otherwise noted) to promote their best possible well-being.
Provides opportunities and services to older adults (ages 60 and older, unless otherwise noted) to promote their best possible well-being.
Related Services
Area Agencies on Aging
Housing Search Assistance
Senior Housing Information and Referral
Long Term Care Options Counseling
Aging in Place Membership Organizations/Networks
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Provides support and services to enable older adults to continue to live in their homes and communities. Services may include Care Management, Assessment, Protective Services, Information and Assistance, PA MEDI (Insurance Counseling), Health and Wellness Programs, adult day services, in home meals, personal emergency response system, personal care, transportation, and caregiver support. The agency also has 5 Senior Centers throughout the County in which participants can enjoy a Congregate Meal and Programming.
Provides support and services to enable older adults to continue to live in their homes and communities. Services may include Care Management, Assessment, Protective Services, Information and Assistance, PA MEDI (Insurance Counseling), Health and Wellness Programs, adult day services, in home meals, personal emergency response system, personal care, transportation, and caregiver support. The agency also has 5 Senior Centers throughout the County in which participants can enjoy a Congregate Meal and Programming.
Related Services
Caregiver Training
Out of Home Respite Care
Long Term Care Insurance Information/Counseling
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Home Delivered Meals
Senior Centers
State Medicaid Waiver Programs
Senior Housing Information and Referral
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Nursing Facility Referrals
Caregiver Counseling
Family Caregiver Subsidies
General Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Aging in Place Membership Organizations/Networks
In Home Respite Care
Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs
Adult Day Programs
Area Agencies on Aging
Provides a wide variety of programs to help individuals to transition through the changes that come with the passing years. Services may include adult daily living centers, home environment modifications, home delivered meals, respite care, medical supplies and equipment, personal emergency response systems, personal care, transportation, caregiver support, home support, needs assessments, Domiciliary Care, senior centers, Ombudsman, legal services, information and referral, PA MEDI health insurance counseling, Older Adult Protective Services
Provides a wide variety of programs to help individuals to transition through the changes that come with the passing years. Services may include adult daily living centers, home environment modifications, home delivered meals, respite care, medical supplies and equipment, personal emergency response systems, personal care, transportation, caregiver support, home support, needs assessments, Domiciliary Care, senior centers, Ombudsman, legal services, information and referral, PA MEDI health insurance counseling, Older Adult Protective Services
Related Services
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Senior Housing Information and Referral
Long Term Care Options Counseling
Aging in Place Membership Organizations/Networks
Housing Search Assistance
Area Agencies on Aging
Provides opportunities and services to older adults (ages 60 and older, unless otherwise noted) to promote their best possible well-being.
Provides opportunities and services to older adults (ages 60 and older, unless otherwise noted) to promote their best possible well-being.
Related Services
Area Agencies on Aging
Housing Search Assistance
Senior Housing Information and Referral
Long Term Care Options Counseling
Aging in Place Membership Organizations/Networks
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Provides group support, trauma-informed parenting education, 1-on-1 counseling, information and referral services, and case management to grandparents (and other relatives) raising their grandchildren.
Provides group support, trauma-informed parenting education, 1-on-1 counseling, information and referral services, and case management to grandparents (and other relatives) raising their grandchildren.
Related Services
Aging in Place Membership Organizations/Networks
Parenting Materials
Parenting Skills Classes
Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups
Aging/Older Adult Support Groups