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Sells, rents, installs, and services wheelchair ramps, stair lifts, platform lifts, patient lifts, pool lifts, grab bars, accessible showers, accessible kitchens, personal emergency response systems, and more.

Related Services

Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Emergency Alert
A personal alarm device to make it easier to contact nurse with any questions or concerns. Could be used for emergencies and other situations.
A personal alarm device to make it easier to contact nurse with any questions or concerns. Could be used for emergencies and other situations.
Provides non-emergency safety visits and in home check-ins to people in need of continued medical monitoring.
Home devices that connect older adults to a 24-hour call center with the push of a button. The transmitter is typically worn on a neck pendant or wristband, and it sends a signal to a receiver that is connected to the home telephone line. One push of the button alerts the staff at the call center.
A personal alarm device to make it easier to contact nurse with any questions or concerns. Could be used for emergencies and other situations.
A personal alarm device to make it easier to contact nurse with any questions or concerns. Could be used for emergencies and other situations.
Provides medical alert systems that connect using landline, cellular, or mobile GPS connections.
A personal alarm device to make it easier to contact nurse with any questions or concerns. Could be used for emergencies and other situations.
Offers care and support for individuals who are living with Alzheimer’s or another dementia and their caregivers. The Association also offers support groups and education programs.
Provides home and community based services to enable older adults to remain in their home.

Related Services

Adult Day Programs
Errand Running/Shopping Assistance
Personal Care
Emergency Alert
provides an alert system for individuals who are frail, who live alone, and/or who are a fall risk. The device is set up to alert for a fall or health emergency, and a designated person is contacted to check on the individual. If the person indicates an emergency, first responders will be notified to go to the individual’s home to provide aid.
Provides a wide range of services designed to work with clients to thrive in the home environment best suited to their needs. Assessment of need is done through our office and we work with volunteers and subcontractors to deliver appropriate service. Some of the services are: A) Home Delivered Meals: A meal is provided to functionally disabled, home-bound, or convalescent people age 60+ B) Personal Care Service: Provides personal grooming help - bathing, dressing, feeding, toileting and transferring C) Respite Care: Program designed to provide relief to the primary caregiver. Eligibility and hours will be determined in the assessment process D) Chore Service: Minor home repair may be possible when safety and necessary upkeep is required E) Protective Services: Reports of abuse can be made by calling 717-334-9296 or 800-548-3240 24 hours a day

Related Services

Home Delivered Meals
Disability Rights Groups
Volunteer Opportunities
Errand Running/Shopping Assistance
Friendly Visiting
Elder Abuse Prevention
Personal Care
In Home Respite Care
Emergency Alert
Area Agencies on Aging
Provides monitioring services and medical alerts to provide a safe, secure solution for independent seniors and others requiring in-home care in the case of emergencies. When monitoring services are needed: A) If a caregivers assistance is not needed B) When recovering from an injury C) As a supplement to in home care services
Provides assistance with the monthly service fee for a personal emergency response service. Payments are made directly to the provider.

Related Services

Emergency Alert
Provides services in the homes of eligible adults who require assistance with bathing, grooming, dressing, ambulation, meal prep or supplemental housekeeping. Persons receiving this service may have a difficult time completing these activities on their own. With this service, older adult can remain independent at home. Services may include: Personal Care, Caregiver Support, Emergency Response System, Care Management, Home Delivered Meals, Protective Services, and Nursing Home Transitional Care.

Related Services

Transitional Mental Health Services
Emergency Alert
Personal Care
Family Caregiver Subsidies
Home Delivered Meals
Adult Protective Services
AAA assists with providing for the purchase of durable medical equipment and supplies, as needed by consumers in their homes. The agency can aid in securing an appropriate medical alarm (PERS) worn by the consumer.

Related Services

Emergency Alert
General Medical Equipment/Supplies Provision
Provides custom measured manual and power wheelchairs with specialty controls or equipment to improve quality of life. They evaluate current limitations, then create customized rehab equipment specific to individuals needs to provide greater independence. Provide rentals and trial chairs so that the residents receive the correct equipment.

Related Services

Transfer Devices
Wheelchairs/Wheeled Mobility
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Toileting Aids
Walking Aids
Electric Scooters
Emergency Alert
Provides an electronic search program that protects wandering loved ones and gives peace of mind to caregivers, families and communities.
Provides medical alert systems and medication dispensers that help older adults, individuals with physical challenges, and recovering patients to maintain an independent lifestyle in their homes. Alert systems provide family members, caregivers, and medical professionals with information in the event of a fall, medical emergency, or missed dose of medication.
A personal alarm device to make it easier to contact nurse with any questions or concerns. Could be used for emergencies and other situations.
Inpatient services include: - Medical/surgical units - Critical care unit - Operating room services - Maternity unit - Pediatric services - Mental health unit - Acute rehab unit - Mammography screening program - Healthy Beginnings Plus: A prenatal care program for women who are receiving Medical Assistance or are eligible for Medical Assistance - Emergency department - Neonatal intensive care unit Outpatient services include: - Laboratory services - Imaging services - Sleep Disorder Center: diagnosis of sleep apnea - Ephrata Cancer Center - Cardiology

Related Services

Prenatal Care
Physical Therapy
Condition Specific Rehabilitation Services
Emergency Alert
Occupational Therapy
Emergency Room Care
Blood Supply Services
General Health Education Programs
Physician Referrals
Medical Laboratories
Diagnostic Imaging/Radiology
Speech Therapy