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Offers entrepreneurship training to youth from low-income communities and provides them with the knowledge and skills to plan, develop, and start their own businesses. Students get hands-on experience in all aspects of creating a functioning business.

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Youth Business Programs
Offers a high school internship program focused on entrepreneurship, technology, and financial literacy. Participants will receive a $595 stipend throughout the school year and a paid summer internship. Interns will have the opportunity to learn all facets of business operations first hand. Those required to complete community service hours can do so through our program.
Prepares young women to be successful in the areas of service, influence, education, and entrepreneurship. Offers programs that provide mentorship, workshops, community service, and hands-on lessons.

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Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Life Skills Education
Youth Business Programs
Offers classroom enhancement education via volunteers who deliver relevant, hands-on experiences that give students knowledge and skills in financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship.

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Financial Literacy Training
Youth Business Programs
Promoting the understanding of free market economics to students, teachers and the general public through partnerships between the business and education communities.

Related Services

Youth Business Programs
Offers a high school internship program focused on entrepreneurship, technology, and financial literacy. Participants will receive a $595 stipend throughout the school year and a paid summer internship. Interns will have the opportunity to learn all facets of business operations first hand. Those required to complete community service hours can do so through our program.
Provides practical financial literacy and career awareness programs to schools in grades K-12. Supplies all materials and programs already prepared. Seeks over 1000 volunteers annually to meet their program needs in the classroom and seeks volunteers to assist in planning and implementing special events annually.

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Career Development
Volunteer Opportunities
Youth Business Programs
Partners with Wells Fargo to offer economic education programs and competitions such as Hands-On Banking, Business Idea Lab, Dollars & Sense Youth Investment Competition, and Junior Investment Club. Provides early opportunities for students to learn financial literacy, investing, and entrepreneurship with chances to win laptops, college scholarships, gift certificates, and cash prizes.

Related Services

Financial Literacy Training
Youth Business Programs