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Provides information about available medical and non-medical transportation programs in Philadelphia County and helps resolve common issues and problems faced by older adult riders.
Provides information about available medical and non-medical transportation programs in Philadelphia County and helps resolve common issues and problems faced by older adult riders.
Related Services
Senior Ride Programs
Transportation Advocacy Groups
Provides personalized transportation choices based on answers entered into the online form.
Provides personalized transportation choices based on answers entered into the online form.
Related Services
Transportation Advocacy Groups
Works with law enforcement, local businesses, schools, and the community to reduce the number of annual highway deaths in Bucks County. The program targets demographics with statistically higher numbers of traffic-related fatalities including teens and older adults, and specific behaviors such as aggressive driving, driving under the influence, and distracted driving that contribute to higher crash rates.
Works with law enforcement, local businesses, schools, and the community to reduce the number of annual highway deaths in Bucks County. The program targets demographics with statistically higher numbers of traffic-related fatalities including teens and older adults, and specific behaviors such as aggressive driving, driving under the influence, and distracted driving that contribute to higher crash rates.
Related Services
Transportation Advocacy Groups
Offers protection and advocacy services. Attends your child's IEP meeting. Provides support materials, resources on educational law, updates on current legislation, guidance on respite care for assisted living, resources on employment and transportation programs, and training workshops on a variety of subjects.
Offers protection and advocacy services. Attends your child's IEP meeting. Provides support materials, resources on educational law, updates on current legislation, guidance on respite care for assisted living, resources on employment and transportation programs, and training workshops on a variety of subjects.
Related Services
Transportation Advocacy Groups
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Disability Awareness Programs
School System Advocacy
Prevocational Training
Disability Related Center Based Employment