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Provides Soldier & Family Readiness Specialists, available 24/7, who serve as resource specialists to assist individual Service Members and their families during all phases of the Deployment Life Cycle. Offers information and referral assistance for, but not limited to: TRICARE, DEERS & ID Cards, legal, financial needs, crisis intervention, employment, and benefits.

Related Services

Social Services for Military Personnel
National Guard
Military Family Service/Support Centers
The Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs provides resources and assistance to Pennsylvania's one million veterans and their families, and provides quality care for aging and disabled veterans. The Department also prepares and deploys the Pennsylvania National Guard for worldwide combat and combat support operations and provides trained personnel to state and local authorities in times of natural disaster or civil strife. It provides financial assistance, in the form of grants, to eligible Pennsylvania service members and their eligible family members through the Pennsylvania Military Family Relief Assistance Program (PA MFRAP). The Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs offers its veterans six extended care facilities throughout the state. The level of care provided includes personal care, skilled nursing care, domicilliary care, and dementia care. These facilities offer qualified veterans and their spouses dedicated, superior care.

Related Services

Veteran Homes
State Government Information Services
Armed Forces Emergency Services
Property Tax Information
Burial Benefits
Disability Benefits
National Guard
Veteran Membership Organizations
Provides local support to service and family members. Provides information, resources, and referral services to service members and their families that arise as a result of military service. Joint Family Support Assistance Programs provide or coordinate the delivery of high-quality family readiness services to active duty, Guard, and Reserve members and their families, targeting those who are geographically dispersed from a military installation. Programs include:
  • Personal Financial Counselor - Provides direct financial readiness education and counseling services to eligible Service members and their Families. (202) 604-3592 or [email protected],
  • Military One Source - Provides information and referral services, as well as promote a sense of military community among the geographically dispersed service and family members.717.461.0429,
  • American Red Cross - Access to financial assistance, emergency communication services, support to military Families. 1.800.733.2767,
  • Penn

Related Services

National Guard
Social Services for Military Personnel
Military Family Service/Support Centers
The Pennsylvania National Guard is composed of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard and the Pennsylvania Air National Guard. It is one of the largest National Guards in the nation. It has the largest Army National Guard of all the states and the fourth largest Air National Guard. These forces are respective components of the United States Army and Air Force. The state air and ground national guard forces are governed through the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, headquartered at Fort Indiantown Gap. The Guard has a unique dual mission, with both federal and state responsibilities. During peacetime, Guard forces are commanded by the governor through a State Adjutant General. The governor can call the Guard into action during local or state-wide emergencies such as storms, drought, and civil disturbances. In addition, the President of the United States can activate the National Guard to participate in federal missions. Examples of this are the many Guard units deploying to participa
Provides information on benefits and entitlements, services referrals and proactive outreach programs that are available to the Service and Family member during all phases of the deployment cycle. The Branch also consists of the Employment Outreach section which assists members of the Pennsylvania National Guard and their immediate Family by providing tools necessary to gain meaningful employment. Outreach Program services include:
  • Career Assessment,
  • Individualized Employment Plans,
  • Job Seekers Workshops,
  • Search Engine Navigation Help,
  • Job Search Help,
  • MOS/AFSC to Civilian Job Information,
  • Education Entitlement Information,
  • Certification Resources,
  • Resume Preparation,
  • Transition Resources,
  • Employment Preparation.

Related Services

Employment Transition Counseling
National Guard
Military Transition Assistance Programs
Vocational Assessment
Veteran Employment Programs
Job Finding Assistance
Prejob Guidance
Provides local support to service and family members. Provides information, resources, and referral services to service members and their families that arise as a result of military service. Joint Family Support Assistance Programs provide or coordinate the delivery of high-quality family readiness services to active duty, Guard, and Reserve members and their families, targeting those who are geographically dispersed from a military installation. Programs include:
  • Personal Financial Counselor - Provides direct financial readiness education and counseling services to eligible Service members and their Families. (202) 604-3592 or [email protected],
  • Military One Source - Provides information and referral services, as well as promote a sense of military community among the geographically dispersed service and family members.717.461.0429,
  • American Red Cross - Access to financial assistance, emergency communication services, support to military Families. 1.800.733.2767,
  • Penn

Related Services

Social Services for Military Personnel
National Guard
Military Family Service/Support Centers
Provides Soldier & Family Readiness Specialists, available 24/7, who serve as resource specialists to assist individual Service Members and their families during all phases of the Deployment Life Cycle. Offers information and referral assistance for, but not limited to: TRICARE, DEERS & ID Cards, legal, financial needs, crisis intervention, employment, and benefits.

Related Services

Social Services for Military Personnel
National Guard
Military Family Service/Support Centers