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Provides case management and wraparound support to at risk young adults and ex-offenders. Services include personalized assessment, educational support, job readiness training, job finding assistance, mentoring, and more.
Provides case management and wraparound support to at risk young adults and ex-offenders. Services include personalized assessment, educational support, job readiness training, job finding assistance, mentoring, and more.
Related Services
At Risk Youth
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Prejob Guidance
Mentoring Programs
Offers structured activities and a safe space for youth. Activities include academic help, cooking classes, coding, conflict resolution training, family engagement, job readiness training, mental health support, mentoring, sports activities, and violence prevention. Provides referral services for families needing additional resources and services.
Offers structured activities and a safe space for youth. Activities include academic help, cooking classes, coding, conflict resolution training, family engagement, job readiness training, mental health support, mentoring, sports activities, and violence prevention. Provides referral services for families needing additional resources and services.
Related Services
Youth Violence Prevention
At Risk Youth
Youth Employment Programs
Youth Centers