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The bureau is responsible for the general maintenance and improvement of all municipal buildings, parks, pools, playgrounds and other City-owned buildings, including Central Market, and public properties including Penn Square and Lancaster Square.
Other services include:
* Issuing permits for the use of City parks and facilities, including Long's and Buchanan Parks
* Processing permits for trimming, planting and removal of street trees. A tree-planting program is available to all City property owners for planting trees in the public right-of-way. Nineteen varieties of trees are available, with free consultation and planting. Purchase price of trees varies
The bureau is responsible for the general maintenance and improvement of all municipal buildings, parks, pools, playgrounds and other City-owned buildings, including Central Market, and public properties including Penn Square and Lancaster Square.
Other services include:
* Issuing permits for the use of City parks and facilities, including Long's and Buchanan Parks
* Processing permits for trimming, planting and removal of street trees. A tree-planting program is available to all City property owners for planting trees in the public right-of-way. Nineteen varieties of trees are available, with free consultation and planting. Purchase price of trees varies
Related Services
Tree Maintenance Permits
Environmental Beautification
Picnic Permits