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Offers free legal help for low-income and vulnerable residents of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties. May handle the following types of cases: bankruptcy, debt relief, and consumer law; child custod and dependency issues; disaster legal aid (including Hurricane Ida); elder law; expungements, pardons, and record sealing; government benefits issues concerning Unemployment Compensation, SSI, SSDI, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), SNAP (food stamps), Medical Assistance (Medicaid), and Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Housing issues such as landlord-tenant, eviction, habitability, public or subsidized housing, rent-to-own, homeownership, mortgage foreclosure, property tax sales, reverse mortgages, and tangled title; utility problems, and veterans benefits and discharge upgrades.
Offers free legal help for low-income and vulnerable residents of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties. May handle the following types of cases: bankruptcy, debt relief, and consumer law; child custod and dependency issues; disaster legal aid (including Hurricane Ida); elder law; expungements, pardons, and record sealing; government benefits issues concerning Unemployment Compensation, SSI, SSDI, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), SNAP (food stamps), Medical Assistance (Medicaid), and Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Housing issues such as landlord-tenant, eviction, habitability, public or subsidized housing, rent-to-own, homeownership, mortgage foreclosure, property tax sales, reverse mortgages, and tangled title; utility problems, and veterans benefits and discharge upgrades.
Related Services
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
General Benefits Assistance
Court Filing Offices
General Legal Aid
Legal Representation
Predatory Lending Assistance
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Elder Law
Public/Subsidized Housing Appeals Assistance
Legal Information Services
Welfare Rights Assistance
Labor and Employment Law
Bankruptcy Assistance
Provides legal services.
Provides legal services.
Utilizes trained community volunteers to provide insight, perspective, and support to those being charged and their families as they navigate the justice system. Gives participants a deeper understanding of the justice process, what is expected from them at each stage, and suggestions to help them prepare for meetings with their attorney, court dates, and other steps of the process. Offers virtual and in-person meetings, depending upon location.
Utilizes trained community volunteers to provide insight, perspective, and support to those being charged and their families as they navigate the justice system. Gives participants a deeper understanding of the justice process, what is expected from them at each stage, and suggestions to help them prepare for meetings with their attorney, court dates, and other steps of the process. Offers virtual and in-person meetings, depending upon location.
Related Services
General Legal Aid
Provides civil legal services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. Helps establish eligibility for benefit programs such as SSI, TANF, medical assistance, SNAP, and veterans compensation and pension; upgrades discharge characterizations; enforces custody and other family law rights; assists with shelter and supportive services; helps with replacing or correcting identity documents; and preserves private and subsidized housing eligibility.
Provides civil legal services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. Helps establish eligibility for benefit programs such as SSI, TANF, medical assistance, SNAP, and veterans compensation and pension; upgrades discharge characterizations; enforces custody and other family law rights; assists with shelter and supportive services; helps with replacing or correcting identity documents; and preserves private and subsidized housing eligibility.
Related Services
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
General Legal Aid
Advance Medical Directives
Homelessness Advocacy Groups
Disability Benefits
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Provides free legal representation to low income people with civil legal problems. Free legal aid may be provided in cases involving: Public Benefits, Housing, Family Law, Employment & Education, and Consumer Law.
Provides free legal representation to low income people with civil legal problems. Free legal aid may be provided in cases involving: Public Benefits, Housing, Family Law, Employment & Education, and Consumer Law.
Related Services
Housing Discrimination Assistance
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Legal Information Services
General Legal Aid
Disability Benefits
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Lawyer Referral Services
Self Representation Assistance
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
Provides legal representation, advice, and education to low-income individuals with civil legal problems.
Provides legal representation, advice, and education to low-income individuals with civil legal problems.
Related Services
Self Representation Assistance
Legal Counseling
Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
General Legal Aid
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Divorce Assistance
Comprehensive Family Law Services
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
General Benefits Assistance
Provides legal services.
Provides legal services.
Utilizes trained community volunteers to provide insight, perspective, and support to those being charged and their families as they navigate the justice system. Gives participants a deeper understanding of the justice process, what is expected from them at each stage, and suggestions to help them prepare for meetings with their attorney, court dates, and other steps of the process. Offers virtual and in-person meetings, depending upon location.
Utilizes trained community volunteers to provide insight, perspective, and support to those being charged and their families as they navigate the justice system. Gives participants a deeper understanding of the justice process, what is expected from them at each stage, and suggestions to help them prepare for meetings with their attorney, court dates, and other steps of the process. Offers virtual and in-person meetings, depending upon location.
Related Services
General Legal Aid
Provides 24-hour hotline support, legal advocacy, medical advocacy, accompaniment, trauma-informed empowerment/options counseling, support groups, Information and Referral, community prevention, and awareness education.
Provides 24-hour hotline support, legal advocacy, medical advocacy, accompaniment, trauma-informed empowerment/options counseling, support groups, Information and Referral, community prevention, and awareness education.
Related Services
Bullying Helplines
Adult Child Abuse Survivor Counseling
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
In Person Crisis Intervention
Domestic Violence Hotlines
General Legal Aid
LGBTQ Helplines
Domestic Violence Shelters
Comprehensive Information and Referral
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Child Abuse Counseling
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Sexual Assault Hotlines
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Offers free legal help for victims of domestic abuse who are seeing Protection from Abuse (PFA) orders in each of the counties that we serve.
Offers free legal help for victims of domestic abuse who are seeing Protection from Abuse (PFA) orders in each of the counties that we serve.
Related Services
General Legal Aid
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Serves as public defender and provides assistance with certain legal matters.
Serves as public defender and provides assistance with certain legal matters.
Related Services
Public Defender
General Legal Aid
Provides legal services.
Provides legal services.
Provide case management services to individuals or families who need assistance with food security; interpretation and translation; court processes in domestic, divorce, or child custody matters; finding employment and/or training; information for families on juvenile justice cases; completing higher education applications and other systems navigation assistance.
Provide case management services to individuals or families who need assistance with food security; interpretation and translation; court processes in domestic, divorce, or child custody matters; finding employment and/or training; information for families on juvenile justice cases; completing higher education applications and other systems navigation assistance.
Related Services
Housing Search Assistance
Certificates/Forms Assistance
General Legal Aid
Language Translation
Language Interpretation
Job Finding Assistance
Case/Care Management
Prejob Guidance
Comprehensive Family Law Services
Provides legal services.
Provides legal services.
Offers free legal help for victims of domestic abuse who are seeing Protection from Abuse (PFA) orders in each of the counties that we serve.
Offers free legal help for victims of domestic abuse who are seeing Protection from Abuse (PFA) orders in each of the counties that we serve.
Related Services
General Legal Aid
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Provides legal advocates for low-income individuals and families. NPLS helps people establish eligibility for public benefits, protect themselves from domestic violence, gain access to healthcare and avoid loss of housing due to uninhabitability, eviction or foreclosure. Also provides self-help materials, trainings and community workshops on a range of legal issues.
Provides legal advocates for low-income individuals and families. NPLS helps people establish eligibility for public benefits, protect themselves from domestic violence, gain access to healthcare and avoid loss of housing due to uninhabitability, eviction or foreclosure. Also provides self-help materials, trainings and community workshops on a range of legal issues.
Related Services
Self Representation Assistance
General Legal Aid
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Legal Counseling
Welfare Rights Assistance
Comprehensive Family Law Services
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Offers a day shelter that provides breakfast; mail, fax, and phone services; lockers (30 days max); public restrooms; hot showers with towels and soap provided; crisis intervention and mental health counseling; social service applications and referrals; a monthly legal aid clinic; and an ID clinic to obtain state IDs, birth certificates, and social security cards.
Serves as a cooling center or code blue shelter during extreme weather emergencies.
Offers a day shelter that provides breakfast; mail, fax, and phone services; lockers (30 days max); public restrooms; hot showers with towels and soap provided; crisis intervention and mental health counseling; social service applications and referrals; a monthly legal aid clinic; and an ID clinic to obtain state IDs, birth certificates, and social security cards.
Serves as a cooling center or code blue shelter during extreme weather emergencies.
Related Services
General Benefits Assistance
Identification Cards
Therapy Referrals
Individual Counseling
Temporary Mailing Address
Public Showers/Baths
Homeless Drop In Centers
Extreme Heat Cooling Programs
Birth Certificates
Social Security Numbers
General Legal Aid
Provides eligible veteran households with outreach, assessment, case management, advocacy and assistance in obtaining VA and other benefits, which may include housing counseling, legal support, credit repair, financial planning services, and time-limited, temporary financial assistance.
Provides eligible veteran households with outreach, assessment, case management, advocacy and assistance in obtaining VA and other benefits, which may include housing counseling, legal support, credit repair, financial planning services, and time-limited, temporary financial assistance.
Related Services
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Personal Financial Counseling
Homelessness Prevention Programs
General Benefits Assistance
Credit Counseling
Legal Counseling
General Clothing Provision
General Legal Aid
Job Finding Assistance
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
Related Services
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Legal Counseling
Comprehensive Family Law Services
General Legal Aid
Self Representation Assistance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Elder Law
Provides legal advocates for low-income individuals and families. NPLS helps people establish eligibility for public benefits, protect themselves from domestic violence, gain access to healthcare and avoid loss of housing due to uninhabitability, eviction or foreclosure. Also provides self-help materials, trainings and community workshops on a range of legal issues.
Provides legal advocates for low-income individuals and families. NPLS helps people establish eligibility for public benefits, protect themselves from domestic violence, gain access to healthcare and avoid loss of housing due to uninhabitability, eviction or foreclosure. Also provides self-help materials, trainings and community workshops on a range of legal issues.
Related Services
Comprehensive Family Law Services
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Legal Counseling
Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs
Self Representation Assistance
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
General Legal Aid
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Encourages youth and adults of all cultures to explore race together. Includes "reading to reduce racism" after school book clubs, discussion groups, and special events
Encourages youth and adults of all cultures to explore race together. Includes "reading to reduce racism" after school book clubs, discussion groups, and special events
Offers free legal help for low-income and vulnerable residents of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties. May handle the following types of cases: bankruptcy, debt relief, and consumer law; child custod and dependency issues; disaster legal aid (including Hurricane Ida); elder law; expungements, pardons, and record sealing; government benefits issues concerning Unemployment Compensation, SSI, SSDI, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), SNAP (food stamps), Medical Assistance (Medicaid), and Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Housing issues such as landlord-tenant, eviction, habitability, public or subsidized housing, rent-to-own, homeownership, mortgage foreclosure, property tax sales, reverse mortgages, and tangled title; utility problems, and veterans benefits and discharge upgrades.
Offers free legal help for low-income and vulnerable residents of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties. May handle the following types of cases: bankruptcy, debt relief, and consumer law; child custod and dependency issues; disaster legal aid (including Hurricane Ida); elder law; expungements, pardons, and record sealing; government benefits issues concerning Unemployment Compensation, SSI, SSDI, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), SNAP (food stamps), Medical Assistance (Medicaid), and Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Housing issues such as landlord-tenant, eviction, habitability, public or subsidized housing, rent-to-own, homeownership, mortgage foreclosure, property tax sales, reverse mortgages, and tangled title; utility problems, and veterans benefits and discharge upgrades.
Related Services
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
General Benefits Assistance
Court Filing Offices
General Legal Aid
Legal Representation
Predatory Lending Assistance
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Elder Law
Public/Subsidized Housing Appeals Assistance
Legal Information Services
Welfare Rights Assistance
Labor and Employment Law
Bankruptcy Assistance
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
Provides civil legal services to low-income individuals and families. Offers representation/legal advice in areas such as the following: Protection from abuse; Child custody/visitation; Landlord/tenant disputes, public housing; Criminal Record Expungement Assistance; Government benefits (TANF, LIHEAP, Food Stamps, and Unemployment Compensation); Utility Shut Offs; Sheriff's sales/levy's; Consumer; Mortgage foreclosures; Low Income Taxpayers Clinic; Guardianships; Legal Services for Veterans - Homeless/Near Homeless; Elder Law.
Related Services
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Legal Counseling
Comprehensive Family Law Services
General Legal Aid
Self Representation Assistance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Elder Law
Provides free legal services to financially qualified Chester County residents.
Provides free legal services to financially qualified Chester County residents.
Related Services
General Legal Aid
Legal Counseling
Utilizes trained community volunteers to provide insight, perspective, and support to those being charged and their families as they navigate the justice system. Gives participants a deeper understanding of the justice process, what is expected from them at each stage, and suggestions to help them prepare for meetings with their attorney, court dates, and other steps of the process. Offers virtual and in-person meetings, depending upon location.
Utilizes trained community volunteers to provide insight, perspective, and support to those being charged and their families as they navigate the justice system. Gives participants a deeper understanding of the justice process, what is expected from them at each stage, and suggestions to help them prepare for meetings with their attorney, court dates, and other steps of the process. Offers virtual and in-person meetings, depending upon location.
Related Services
General Legal Aid