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Provides a resource to help connect individuals to school liaisons for homeless students. Works to eliminate barriers to education for children and youth experiencing homelessness.
Provides a resource to help connect individuals to school liaisons for homeless students. Works to eliminate barriers to education for children and youth experiencing homelessness.
Related Services
Homeless School Transition Programs
To help each homeless student have a school life that is as regular as possible during periods of homelessness.
To help each homeless student have a school life that is as regular as possible during periods of homelessness.
Related Services
Homeless School Transition Programs
Provides a resource to help connect individuals to school liaisons for homeless students. Works to eliminate barriers to education for children and youth experiencing homelessness.
Provides a resource to help connect individuals to school liaisons for homeless students. Works to eliminate barriers to education for children and youth experiencing homelessness.
Related Services
Homeless School Transition Programs
Coordinates services for students experiencing homelessness and housing instability. Provides regional support to school systems, agencies and shelters, and parents of children experiencing housing instability.
Coordinates services for students experiencing homelessness and housing instability. Provides regional support to school systems, agencies and shelters, and parents of children experiencing housing instability.
Related Services
Homeless School Transition Programs
Works to make sure homeless youth have access to a free and appropriate education.
Works to make sure homeless youth have access to a free and appropriate education.
Related Services
Homeless School Transition Programs
To help each homeless student have a school life that is as regular as possible during periods of homelessness.
To help each homeless student have a school life that is as regular as possible during periods of homelessness.
Related Services
Homeless School Transition Programs
Coordinates services for students experiencing homelessness and housing instability. Provides regional support to school systems, agencies and shelters, and parents of children experiencing housing instability.
Coordinates services for students experiencing homelessness and housing instability. Provides regional support to school systems, agencies and shelters, and parents of children experiencing housing instability.
Related Services
Homeless School Transition Programs
To help each homeless student have a school life that is as regular as possible during periods of homelessness.
To help each homeless student have a school life that is as regular as possible during periods of homelessness.
Related Services
Homeless School Transition Programs
Assists unaccompanied youth and families with children who are experiencing homelessness to enroll and/or remain in a free and appropriate public school district.
Assists unaccompanied youth and families with children who are experiencing homelessness to enroll and/or remain in a free and appropriate public school district.
Related Services
Homeless School Transition Programs
Provides a program to make sure homeless youth have access to appropriate education while removing barriers that homeless children face. Its goal is have the educational process continue as uninterrupted as possible while the children are in homeless situations. Some of the other objectives of our program are to inform school districts of their responsibilities to homeless children and youth, increase awareness about the needs of homeless children, explain current legislation and policies and provide practical tips for working with homeless children.
Provides a program to make sure homeless youth have access to appropriate education while removing barriers that homeless children face. Its goal is have the educational process continue as uninterrupted as possible while the children are in homeless situations. Some of the other objectives of our program are to inform school districts of their responsibilities to homeless children and youth, increase awareness about the needs of homeless children, explain current legislation and policies and provide practical tips for working with homeless children.
Related Services
Homeless School Transition Programs
Provides a Liaison for families that are experiencing a lack of permanent housing and who would like their children to remain in their school district/preschool of origin; or are experiencing difficulties in enrolling their children in the school district where they are temporarily staying.
Provides a Liaison for families that are experiencing a lack of permanent housing and who would like their children to remain in their school district/preschool of origin; or are experiencing difficulties in enrolling their children in the school district where they are temporarily staying.
Related Services
Homeless School Transition Programs
Homeless Children and Youth Initiative identifies students experiencing homelessness and implements strategies to address barriers to enrollment, attendance and participation in school activities. Students experiencing homelessness are entitled under law to - Education on an equal basis with other children - Continue to attend their home school of origin - Immediate enrollment, even if they lack records - Special assistance for the Allentown School District Homeless Liaison Note: If a student is in a temporary living situation, he/she may be able to remain in his/her current school. Talk with ASD resources before dis-enrolling.
Homeless Children and Youth Initiative identifies students experiencing homelessness and implements strategies to address barriers to enrollment, attendance and participation in school activities. Students experiencing homelessness are entitled under law to - Education on an equal basis with other children - Continue to attend their home school of origin - Immediate enrollment, even if they lack records - Special assistance for the Allentown School District Homeless Liaison Note: If a student is in a temporary living situation, he/she may be able to remain in his/her current school. Talk with ASD resources before dis-enrolling.
Related Services
Homeless School Transition Programs
Helps homeless children and youth access Pennsylvania's public schools by removing barriers to a free and appropriate public education. The goal of the program is to have a child's education continue as uninterrupted as possible while he or she is homeless. The program also provides school supplies, transportation arrangements to and from school, and resources to the families of homeless children.
Helps homeless children and youth access Pennsylvania's public schools by removing barriers to a free and appropriate public education. The goal of the program is to have a child's education continue as uninterrupted as possible while he or she is homeless. The program also provides school supplies, transportation arrangements to and from school, and resources to the families of homeless children.
Related Services
Homeless School Transition Programs
Academic Counseling
Education Advocacy Groups
To help each homeless student have a school life that is as regular as possible during periods of homelessness.
To help each homeless student have a school life that is as regular as possible during periods of homelessness.
Related Services
Homeless School Transition Programs
Identify homeless students within the School District of Lancaster and to ensure that identified students are enrolled in school, their educational needs are assured, and disruptions in their attendance and academic program are minimized. A Task Force, comprised of representatives of numerous social service agencies advises the project. Efforts to assist homeless students have included:
- Policy changes permitting the admission of homeless students whose immunizations have been started, but not completed, or whose school records are incomplete.
- A small fund to purchase bus passes for a temporary period to facilitate the attendance of "sheltered" students. HSP workers also use the fund to purchase school uniforms and supplies for students for whom lack of these items is a barrier to their enrollment and attendance
- Referrals to after-school tutor and mentor programs
- Ongoing inservice program for teachers and service staff to increase their awareness of homelessness issues and their k
Identify homeless students within the School District of Lancaster and to ensure that identified students are enrolled in school, their educational needs are assured, and disruptions in their attendance and academic program are minimized. A Task Force, comprised of representatives of numerous social service agencies advises the project. Efforts to assist homeless students have included:
- Policy changes permitting the admission of homeless students whose immunizations have been started, but not completed, or whose school records are incomplete.
- A small fund to purchase bus passes for a temporary period to facilitate the attendance of "sheltered" students. HSP workers also use the fund to purchase school uniforms and supplies for students for whom lack of these items is a barrier to their enrollment and attendance
- Referrals to after-school tutor and mentor programs
- Ongoing inservice program for teachers and service staff to increase their awareness of homelessness issues and their k
Related Services
Homeless School Transition Programs
Assists children experiencing homelessness with or without a parent or guardian with enrollment, transportation, school supplies, etc., to get the children in school, to stay in school, and to succeed in school.
Assists children experiencing homelessness with or without a parent or guardian with enrollment, transportation, school supplies, etc., to get the children in school, to stay in school, and to succeed in school.
Related Services
Homelessness Advocacy Groups
Homeless School Transition Programs
Works to eliminate barriers to education for children and youth experiencing homelessness.
Works to eliminate barriers to education for children and youth experiencing homelessness.
Related Services
Homeless School Transition Programs
Helps homeless students, including preschoolers, to enroll in, attend, and succeed in school. Provides school enrollment assistance, transportation assistance, school supplies, uniforms, and other required items. Also offers after-school programs and preschool.
Helps homeless students, including preschoolers, to enroll in, attend, and succeed in school. Provides school enrollment assistance, transportation assistance, school supplies, uniforms, and other required items. Also offers after-school programs and preschool.
Related Services
Homeless School Transition Programs
Helps students with enrollment, even if the child or youth lacks required records. Makes sure young people receive other services, such as transportation, health care, and dental care.
Helps students with enrollment, even if the child or youth lacks required records. Makes sure young people receive other services, such as transportation, health care, and dental care.
Related Services
Homeless School Transition Programs
Student Transportation Services
Emergency Dental Care
Student Health Programs