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Sells medical equipment and provides delivery, 24 hour emergency oxygen service (if need emergency oxygen service after normal business hours, call 877-501-4716 for on-call answering service), equipment manufacturer technicians, licensed respiratory therapists, NRRTS Registered and RESHA Certified Assistive Technology professionals.
Sells medical equipment and provides delivery, 24 hour emergency oxygen service (if need emergency oxygen service after normal business hours, call 877-501-4716 for on-call answering service), equipment manufacturer technicians, licensed respiratory therapists, NRRTS Registered and RESHA Certified Assistive Technology professionals.
Related Services
General Medical Equipment/Supplies Provision
Respiratory Aids
Sells and delivers durable medical equipment, including stair lifts, bathroom or bed products, oxygen, lift chairs, wheelchairs, scooters, and sleep therapy products, to help people remain safe and mobile in their own homes.
Sells and delivers durable medical equipment, including stair lifts, bathroom or bed products, oxygen, lift chairs, wheelchairs, scooters, and sleep therapy products, to help people remain safe and mobile in their own homes.
Related Services
Wheelchairs/Wheeled Mobility
General Medical Equipment/Supplies Provision
Respiratory Aids
Provides patients with relief of symptoms such as pain, shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, constipation, fatigue, loss of appetite, anxiety or depression related to a number of different conditions.
Provides patients with relief of symptoms such as pain, shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, constipation, fatigue, loss of appetite, anxiety or depression related to a number of different conditions.
Related Services
Condition Specific Rehabilitation Services
Respiratory Aids
Palliative Care
Dementia Management
Cancer Clinics
Provides purchase or rental of durable medical equipment inlcuding wheelchairs, ventilators, and CPAP machines.
Provides purchase or rental of durable medical equipment inlcuding wheelchairs, ventilators, and CPAP machines.
Related Services
Respiratory Aids
Wheelchairs/Wheeled Mobility
Hospital Beds
Walking Aids
Sells medical equipment and provides delivery, 24 hour emergency oxygen service (if need emergency oxygen service after normal business hours, call 877-501-4716 for on-call answering service), equipment manufacturer technicians, licensed respiratory therapists, NRRTS Registered and RESHA Certified Assistive Technology professionals.
Sells medical equipment and provides delivery, 24 hour emergency oxygen service (if need emergency oxygen service after normal business hours, call 877-501-4716 for on-call answering service), equipment manufacturer technicians, licensed respiratory therapists, NRRTS Registered and RESHA Certified Assistive Technology professionals.
Related Services
Respiratory Aids
General Medical Equipment/Supplies Provision