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Offers adult, continuing education with technical and basic skills courses and services.
Offers adult, continuing education with technical and basic skills courses and services.
Related Services
Vocational Education
Layoff Preparation
Adult Basic Education
Occupation Specific Job Training
Job Training Formats
Helps people who lost their jobs to save their homes. Provides housing counseling services such as resolving mortgage delinquency and preventing foreclosure within the City’s Mortgage Foreclosure Diversion Program, representing homeowners in appeals when they are denied assistance through the Homeowners Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program, and providing real estate tax delinquency counseling to avoid tax foreclosure. Also provides rental and eviction prevention counseling.
Helps people who lost their jobs to save their homes. Provides housing counseling services such as resolving mortgage delinquency and preventing foreclosure within the City’s Mortgage Foreclosure Diversion Program, representing homeowners in appeals when they are denied assistance through the Homeowners Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program, and providing real estate tax delinquency counseling to avoid tax foreclosure. Also provides rental and eviction prevention counseling.
Related Services
Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling
Layoff Preparation