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Provides person-centered, in-home and community-based, services that connect clients with resources needed to remain in their homes. Services include assessment of needs, referrals for public benefits, assistance with applications, and emotional support. Offers a Senior Intensive Support Program to help with medication and prescription compliance, obtaining food and/or accessing the grocery store, coordinating transportation, teaching Intensive Adult Daily Lifeskills, and money management.
Provides person-centered, in-home and community-based, services that connect clients with resources needed to remain in their homes. Services include assessment of needs, referrals for public benefits, assistance with applications, and emotional support. Offers a Senior Intensive Support Program to help with medication and prescription compliance, obtaining food and/or accessing the grocery store, coordinating transportation, teaching Intensive Adult Daily Lifeskills, and money management.
Related Services
Case/Care Management
Homemaker Assistance
Secretarial Assistance
Errand Running/Shopping Assistance
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Provides an array of services to older adults to help them remain in their own homes and to live independently in the community. Services include grocery shopping, minor home maintenance, help completing forms, help with money management, coordinating transportation, medication reminders, friendly visitors, and more.
Provides an array of services to older adults to help them remain in their own homes and to live independently in the community. Services include grocery shopping, minor home maintenance, help completing forms, help with money management, coordinating transportation, medication reminders, friendly visitors, and more.
Related Services
Secretarial Assistance
Errand Running/Shopping Assistance
Homemaker Assistance
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services