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Provides civil legal services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. Helps establish eligibility for benefit programs such as SSI, TANF, medical assistance, SNAP, and veterans compensation and pension; upgrades discharge characterizations; enforces custody and other family law rights; assists with shelter and supportive services; helps with replacing or correcting identity documents; and preserves private and subsidized housing eligibility.
Provides civil legal services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. Helps establish eligibility for benefit programs such as SSI, TANF, medical assistance, SNAP, and veterans compensation and pension; upgrades discharge characterizations; enforces custody and other family law rights; assists with shelter and supportive services; helps with replacing or correcting identity documents; and preserves private and subsidized housing eligibility.
Related Services
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
General Legal Aid
Advance Medical Directives
Homelessness Advocacy Groups
Disability Benefits
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Provides screening, assessment, assistance with immediate needs, and referral to other service providers for those facing housing instability and homelessness in Montgomery County. Partners with Your Way Home to quality individuals for housing support.
Provides screening, assessment, assistance with immediate needs, and referral to other service providers for those facing housing instability and homelessness in Montgomery County. Partners with Your Way Home to quality individuals for housing support.
Related Services
Homelessness Advocacy Groups
Critical Time Intervention (CTI)/Case Management it is an evidenced-based practice proven to reduce the number of people returning to institutions once released into the community. Case management for homeless invdividuals with mental illness is provided.
Critical Time Intervention (CTI)/Case Management it is an evidenced-based practice proven to reduce the number of people returning to institutions once released into the community. Case management for homeless invdividuals with mental illness is provided.
Related Services
Case/Care Management
Homelessness Advocacy Groups
Psychiatric Case Management
Offers youth a variety of academic enrichment programs, attendance support, and Bible clubs. Also offers parent support groups, food pantries, and Bible study activities.
Offers youth a variety of academic enrichment programs, attendance support, and Bible clubs. Also offers parent support groups, food pantries, and Bible study activities.
Related Services
Parent Support Groups
Homelessness Advocacy Groups
Faith Based Youth Programs
Extended Child Care
Youth Enrichment Programs
Food Pantries
Provides information on and referrals to CACH member agencies for housing and related services.
Provides information on and referrals to CACH member agencies for housing and related services.
Related Services
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Homelessness Advocacy Groups
Together, the Coalition provides personalized human and housing services for all individuals and families facing or experiencing homelessness, and ensures homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring.
Together, the Coalition provides personalized human and housing services for all individuals and families facing or experiencing homelessness, and ensures homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring.
Case Management offers supportive services to assist clients in developing and achieving goals in all domains of life to support independent living in the community. Case managers provide linkage and referrals to resources in the community to meet a person's need as well as crisis management, assistance in filling out applications for benefits, housing and employment.
Case Management offers supportive services to assist clients in developing and achieving goals in all domains of life to support independent living in the community. Case managers provide linkage and referrals to resources in the community to meet a person's need as well as crisis management, assistance in filling out applications for benefits, housing and employment.
Related Services
Case/Care Management
Psychiatric Case Management
Homelessness Advocacy Groups
Assists children experiencing homelessness with or without a parent or guardian with enrollment, transportation, school supplies, etc., to get the children in school, to stay in school, and to succeed in school.
Assists children experiencing homelessness with or without a parent or guardian with enrollment, transportation, school supplies, etc., to get the children in school, to stay in school, and to succeed in school.
Related Services
Homelessness Advocacy Groups
Homeless School Transition Programs