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Offers limited ultrasounds for qualifying expectant mothers to determine how far along the pregnancy is. Prenatal vitamins are also available to qualifying ultrasound patients.
Offers limited ultrasounds for qualifying expectant mothers to determine how far along the pregnancy is. Prenatal vitamins are also available to qualifying ultrasound patients.
Pregnancy Resource Center
* Pregnancy Services: Offers free and confidential pregnancy testing. Pregnancy options education is available and referrals are provided for healthcare, social services and other community resources.
* Obstetrical Ultrasounds: Offers free and confidential early pregnancy ultrasound to those who qualify.
* Educational Classes: Provides free classes or individualized appointments about: Prenatal care and development, Newborn care, Parenting, Life Skills and Healthy Relationships.
* Baby Boutique: Clients participating in our Earn While You Learn Program earn 'Baby Bucks' when they attend an educational class or appointment. Clients can use their 'Baby Bucks’ to shop at any of our Baby Boutiques in the Lehigh Valley.
Pregnancy Resource Center
* Pregnancy Services: Offers free and confidential pregnancy testing. Pregnancy options education is available and referrals are provided for healthcare, social services and other community resources.
* Obstetrical Ultrasounds: Offers free and confidential early pregnancy ultrasound to those who qualify.
* Educational Classes: Provides free classes or individualized appointments about: Prenatal care and development, Newborn care, Parenting, Life Skills and Healthy Relationships.
* Baby Boutique: Clients participating in our Earn While You Learn Program earn 'Baby Bucks' when they attend an educational class or appointment. Clients can use their 'Baby Bucks’ to shop at any of our Baby Boutiques in the Lehigh Valley.
Related Services
Prenatal Evaluation
Baby Furniture
Baby Clothing
Parenting Skills Classes
Pregnancy Testing
Pregnancy Counseling
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Provides free and confidential medical, educational, and support services to individuals who pregnant. Services include pregnancy testing, limited diagnostic ultrasound, options counseling (adoption, abortion, parenting), material assistance, and educational classes for parents.
Provides free and confidential medical, educational, and support services to individuals who pregnant. Services include pregnancy testing, limited diagnostic ultrasound, options counseling (adoption, abortion, parenting), material assistance, and educational classes for parents.
Related Services
Pregnancy Testing
Parenting Materials
Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Pregnancy Counseling
Prenatal Evaluation
Offers limited ultrasounds for qualifying expectant mothers to determine how far along the pregnancy is. Prenatal vitamins are also available to qualifying ultrasound patients.
Offers limited ultrasounds for qualifying expectant mothers to determine how far along the pregnancy is. Prenatal vitamins are also available to qualifying ultrasound patients.
Limited prenatal ultrasound for detection of intra-uterine pregnancy and gestational age if eligible.
Limited prenatal ultrasound for detection of intra-uterine pregnancy and gestational age if eligible.
Offers free pregnancy testing and counseling. Also offers pregnancy sonograms and abortion pill reversal.
Offers free pregnancy testing and counseling. Also offers pregnancy sonograms and abortion pill reversal.
Related Services
Pregnancy Testing
Prenatal Evaluation
Pregnancy Counseling
Offers free pregnancy testing and counseling. Also offers pregnancy sonograms and abortion pill reversal.
Offers free pregnancy testing and counseling. Also offers pregnancy sonograms and abortion pill reversal.
Related Services
Pregnancy Testing
Prenatal Evaluation
Pregnancy Counseling
Offers limited ultrasounds for qualifying expectant mothers to determine how far along the pregnancy is. Prenatal vitamins are also available to qualifying ultrasound patients.
Offers limited ultrasounds for qualifying expectant mothers to determine how far along the pregnancy is. Prenatal vitamins are also available to qualifying ultrasound patients.
Offers limited ultrasounds for qualifying expectant mothers to determine how far along the pregnancy is
Offers limited ultrasounds for qualifying expectant mothers to determine how far along the pregnancy is
Offers free pregnancy testing and counseling. Also offers pregnancy sonograms and abortion pill reversal.
Offers free pregnancy testing and counseling. Also offers pregnancy sonograms and abortion pill reversal.
Related Services
Pregnancy Testing
Prenatal Evaluation
Pregnancy Counseling
Offers weekly home visits with a registered nurse who provides health and child development activities; prenatal education, support, and referrals; nutrition, mental health education, and support; substance abuse education and support; referrals and assistance in meeting personal life goals.
Offers weekly home visits with a registered nurse who provides health and child development activities; prenatal education, support, and referrals; nutrition, mental health education, and support; substance abuse education and support; referrals and assistance in meeting personal life goals.
Related Services
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Therapy Referrals
Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Substance Use Disorder Referrals
Prenatal Evaluation
Offers ultrasounds between 6 and 14 weeks following the first day of a person's last period.
Offers ultrasounds between 6 and 14 weeks following the first day of a person's last period.
Related Services
Prenatal Evaluation
Diagnostic Imaging/Radiology
Provides gynecology (GYN), family planning, and sexually transmitted infections (STI) testing services.
Provides gynecology (GYN), family planning, and sexually transmitted infections (STI) testing services.
Related Services
Pregnancy Testing
Prenatal Evaluation
Offers a free ultrasound to confirm pregnancy. Sonographer will perform the ultrasound in order to detect fetal heartbeat, determines gestational age and determine a viable uterine pregnancy.
Offers a free ultrasound to confirm pregnancy. Sonographer will perform the ultrasound in order to detect fetal heartbeat, determines gestational age and determine a viable uterine pregnancy.
Related Services
Prenatal Evaluation
Provides prenatal services to complement any needed by obstetrician. No OB on site.
Provides prenatal services to complement any needed by obstetrician. No OB on site.
Related Services
Prenatal Evaluation
Childbirth Education
Prenatal Care
York Hospital Community Health Center provides a comprehensive range of services including:
Pediatrics: newborn visits and well-baby care; treatment of childhood illness/injury; preventive check-ups, exams and immunizations
Women's health: comprehensive health care for women including menopause, incontinence and pelvic pain; routine health maintenance exams, preventive health care, pap smears and breast exams; family planning and contraception; care of the pregnant woman, including childbirth education; healthy beginnings plus; care of the adolescent including menstrual problems, std screening and pregnancy testing.
Adults : physical exams; treatment of illness/injury; care of acute/chronic illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, HIV/AIDS, and skin disorders; geriatrics
Urgent care (for our established patients only): treatment of sprains and injuries that are not emergency or life-threatening; minor surgery
Special services: nutrition cou
York Hospital Community Health Center provides a comprehensive range of services including:
Pediatrics: newborn visits and well-baby care; treatment of childhood illness/injury; preventive check-ups, exams and immunizations
Women's health: comprehensive health care for women including menopause, incontinence and pelvic pain; routine health maintenance exams, preventive health care, pap smears and breast exams; family planning and contraception; care of the pregnant woman, including childbirth education; healthy beginnings plus; care of the adolescent including menstrual problems, std screening and pregnancy testing.
Adults : physical exams; treatment of illness/injury; care of acute/chronic illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, HIV/AIDS, and skin disorders; geriatrics
Urgent care (for our established patients only): treatment of sprains and injuries that are not emergency or life-threatening; minor surgery
Special services: nutrition cou
Related Services
Prenatal Evaluation
Well Baby Care
General Medical Care
General Physical Examinations
HIV Testing
Nutrition Education
Maternity Navigation Services
Community Clinics
General Laboratory Tests
Childhood Immunization
Pregnancy Testing
Birth Control
Pregnancy Resource Center
* Pregnancy Services: Offers free and confidential pregnancy testing. Pregnancy options education is available and referrals are provided for healthcare, social services, and other community resources.
* Obstetrical Ultrasounds: Offers free and confidential early pregnancy ultrasound to those who qualify.
* Educational Classes: Provides free classes or individualized appointments about: Prenatal care and development, Newborn care, Parenting, Life Skills, and Healthy Relationships.
* Baby Boutique: Clients participating in our Earn While You Learn Program earn 'Baby Bucks' when they attend an educational class or appointment. Clients can use their 'Baby Bucks’ to shop at any of our Baby Boutiques in the Lehigh Valley.
* STI Education, Testing and Treatment: Offers women free STI education as well testing and treatment for chlamydia and gonorrhea
Pregnancy Resource Center
* Pregnancy Services: Offers free and confidential pregnancy testing. Pregnancy options education is available and referrals are provided for healthcare, social services, and other community resources.
* Obstetrical Ultrasounds: Offers free and confidential early pregnancy ultrasound to those who qualify.
* Educational Classes: Provides free classes or individualized appointments about: Prenatal care and development, Newborn care, Parenting, Life Skills, and Healthy Relationships.
* Baby Boutique: Clients participating in our Earn While You Learn Program earn 'Baby Bucks' when they attend an educational class or appointment. Clients can use their 'Baby Bucks’ to shop at any of our Baby Boutiques in the Lehigh Valley.
* STI Education, Testing and Treatment: Offers women free STI education as well testing and treatment for chlamydia and gonorrhea
Related Services
Baby Clothing
Prenatal Evaluation
Pregnancy Testing
Baby Furniture
Parenting Skills Classes
Pregnancy Counseling
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Provides prenatal services to complement any needed by obstetrician. No OB on site.
Provides prenatal services to complement any needed by obstetrician. No OB on site.
Related Services
Prenatal Evaluation
Childbirth Education
Prenatal Care
Offers ultrasounds between 6 and 14 weeks following the first day of a person's last period.
Offers ultrasounds between 6 and 14 weeks following the first day of a person's last period.
Related Services
Prenatal Evaluation
Diagnostic Imaging/Radiology
Offers limited ultrasounds for qualifying expectant mothers to determine how far along the pregnancy is. Prenatal vitamins are also available to qualifying ultrasound patients.
Offers limited ultrasounds for qualifying expectant mothers to determine how far along the pregnancy is. Prenatal vitamins are also available to qualifying ultrasound patients.
Provides first trimester limited ultrasound.
Provides first trimester limited ultrasound.
Related Services
Prenatal Evaluation
Uses a unique peer support model that uses shared language, cultural expertise, advocacy, lived experiences, and system navigation knowledge to help individuals and families overcome social determinants and improve their health outcomes. Aims to ensure timely and relevant access to pre and post natal care for the target population.
Uses a unique peer support model that uses shared language, cultural expertise, advocacy, lived experiences, and system navigation knowledge to help individuals and families overcome social determinants and improve their health outcomes. Aims to ensure timely and relevant access to pre and post natal care for the target population.
Related Services
Postpartum Care
Prenatal Evaluation
Prenatal Care